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         "Dear diary ,I had a dream about dad last night.It seems like yesterday when I lost him,it's been four years today and that day I made a decision to follow his steps.He died as a good man,he died as a good husband,my father died as a good father and until his last breath he fights for justice.
   On his last day on earth, he still remembered to give me an assuring smile and our precious handshake,and that shows how brave my father was. He told me"he never leaves and I should wait for him".
I believed as the young girl I am, I waited for him and I longed for him.

But today, I realized dad is not coming back.
Dad is gone and he is not coming back.
I love dad and I missed him.
I wish I could.."

I stopped writing and dropped my pen as tears streamed down my face,it made a splash on my diary book and the words written with ink got watery.I put my head on the table and cried uncontrollable tears,as I remembered my moments with my dad.

"He is not coming back,dad is not coming back,"

I cried more with my broken heart.My sister, Beverly, seemed to hear me as I cried. She came to me and rubbed my back.

"Dad never leaves Cassidy,he doesn't,"Beverly consoled me.

I lifted my head up and looked at her angrily,I was feeling uncontrollable rage in me.

"Stop saying that, Beverly. You've been saying this for four years now,I am not a child anymore. I'm not that young girl that you think I am anymore," I shouted.

So,ple..ase..please stop saying that Beverly," I begged Beverly looking at me with teary eyes.

  I screamed and yelled at Beverly,I released all my anger and rage on her.It's been hard for me these days to just imagine dad is really gone.

Beverly hugged me and rubbed my long curly black hair slowly.

"I know Cassidy,I've tried a lot.You are a strong girl,you are not that young girl anymore...You are the strongest girl I know," Beverly said with a shaky voice but yet assuring.

"But it's not fair Beverly,it's not. Dad died of justice,she is having cancer and grandma having dementia and sometimes she can't even remember me..It's unfair Beverly."I cried.
"We are losing it all." I cried more,Beverly became silent,I knew she's trying hard not to cry out.She hugged me tightly and we both cried to the sadness of our hearts.

Few hours later,I was lying on my bed.I stared at my dad's picture that was on a small table beside my bed.Tears kept on rolling out of my eyes and wiped as much as I could with my hands.

I stopped believing in miracles after dad died and mom had cancer. But well Beverly still believes in miracles,She said "God could heal mom." but I don't believe.This world is full of pain,loss and miracles do not exist.
I am Cassidy Rockman,a top student in criminology. Nothing makes me cry or fear except the death of my father and the death of losing another person I love.I never believe in miracles and I will not.

Nothing is real in this world,except my love for my mother,Beverly,grandma and the love they showed me back.Before any terror,I remain unshaken and bold.

I am Cassidy Rockman and this is the story of my heart and the beginning of I believing in miracles.As I uncovered a mystery,I believed I am the miracle that could ever exist.

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