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«In another universe
I am easier to love.»

Daisy was taken to hospital along with Emily and her baby. Her prognosis was not dire: she had only suffered a slight brain contusion and a scar on her lip, which she hadn't noticed until her doctors pointed out, which would never disappear.

Rose, fortunately, was healthy as a fiddle, while Emily was subjected to various tests and a forced absence from service for a month and a half, because her broken bones needed to heal.

Luckily, however, she did not suffer any damage to her internal organs and after twenty-four hours of observation she was sent home. Daisy was also subjected to the same twenty-four hours of observation, which was extended to forty-eight because the drugs that had been administered to her were not easy to eliminate quickly for her body.

Daisy, among other things, was still a former drug addict and for her, disposing of that enormous quantity of drugs intravenously, was like detoxing from cocaine for a second time.

In those forty-eight hours of screams, fever and madness no one had entered her room except the doctors.

No one had allowed her to see her daughter and no one had told her where she was, even though she had asked countless times to be informed about Rose. No doctor knew anything or everyone pretended not to know anything; Daisy wasn't particularly sure.

She only knew that in that bed her greatest torture had already begun: everyone hated her and they were right to do so, but she never expected to be left alone to suffer like a dog while she felt the drug flowing and burning in her veins.

At the end of the forty-eight hours she was still delirious and in a state of excessive dependency, but no one seemed to care much, because when Tara and Luke came to take her, they entered the hospital room with an impassive face and as soon as Daisy got out of bed they put handcuffs on her wrists and began to list her rights, as if the young agent didn't know them by heart.

They dragged her abruptly through the corridors of the hospital in handcuffs and Daisy, in that stretch, didn't recognize any faces, but everyone who crossed her path seemed to look at her accusingly.

Those who until recently she had called her friends and colleagues forced her to sit in the usual black SUV into which Daisy had only ever entered as a free woman. That time, however, she was handcuffed and still wearing the filthy clothes in which she had been kidnapped.

Tara and Luke didn't speak to her for the whole way and Daisy didn't dare say anything because she felt like there wasn't actually a word that was right or wrong to use in a situation like that.

In that moment her whole life flashed before her eyes and she could think of nothing but every time she had been lucky enough to see a new day, every time she had returned home safely, every time she was walking down the street and it seemed to her that Claudia was still close to her.

She was thinking of every time she had looked around her without realizing how her life was flowing through her hands, of every time she had woken up in her bed, of every time she felt alone in her life.

She thought about all the times she had felt confident and all the times where she had been wrong. She thought about the fact that in disastrous situations like that she always thought about things that had nothing to do with the real problem.

Every single time.

She thought of every time she had not been coherent, of every time she had deemed something unimportant, of every time someone had cared about her and she also thought about Emily, who was gone, exactly in that moment where Daisy was sincerely looking for her with nothing left to hide.

She thought of every time she had nothing to do with a bad situation, about every time she had been nothing, about every time she had looked nothingness in the face and about every time she had cried. She thought about when she was still free and about every time she had stayed with her head in her hands and had put everything off until the next day, taking freedom for granted.

Freedom that Daisy Johnson no longer had.

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