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«it's harder to love somebody
than to walk away from them.»

When Daisy returned to the hotel haul she found Emily waiting for her, awake and extremely tense. For the older agent, seeing Daisy return unharmed with five packets of cocaine in her hand was a heavenly vision.

"You are fine." - she said, getting up from the couch where she was sitting and letting out a loud sigh of relief

"I told you so" - the younger agent replied with a smile

"What was this gun situation?" - Emily said as she approached and began to look Daisy up and down, as if to make sure that she was actually unharmed

"Em, it's not uncommon for these people to be extremely paranoid about new buyers and I made a very peculiar request. I wouldn't bet much on him agreeing so easily."

Emily needed to touch her. She needed to feel that she was alive and real in front of her. She instinctively placed a hand on her cheek and Daisy tilted her head, letting Emily stroke her face with her thumb.

"I hate you." - she told the younger agent after a while

"I wouldn't be so sure." - said Daisy with a mocking smile

That moment of tenderness was interrupted by both of their phones starting to ring. Both women reached for their cell phones and when they saw Garcia's name on both of them they exchanged worried looks and so Daisy answered.

"Garcia, I'm here with Prentiss, what's going on? It's late."

"I couldn't go home knowing you were out in the street buying cocaine, so I stayed in the offices and hacked your microphone." - said the blonde on the other end of the phone line

"Garcia, go home, Daisy is fine." - Emily said in a slightly bored tone of voice

Daisy, however, suspected that wasn't the reason Garcia had called them. The blonde already knew that Daisy was fine and she had no reason to tell her boss that she had not respected the working hours that had been assigned to her.

"What's going on Penelope?" - asked Daisy

"I just intercepted a 911 call, a seventeen-year-old girl, Betty Cooper, has disappeared from the bar that Daisy has just left. Her friends reported her missing immediately given the numerous overdoses. They declared that she was a habitual user of cocaine and that she left with a man they had never seen before. I already called everyone, but you were the only ones who answered." - Penelope said in one breath

"We can't do anything now." - JJ said; she had evidently been woken up by Penelope's call and had entered the haul without being heard by the other two agents.

"I agree, it could be completely unrelated to our case. It's not our jurisdiction at the moment. Thanks Penelope" - added Emily, hanging up the phone

A rush of panic shot through Daisy completely. She couldn't believe what her ears were hearing: a girl was going to die of an overdose soon and neither of the two agents wanted to do anything to try to save her.

"We can't do nothing, even if it's not our jurisdiction we have to try to look for her. She's a kid and could die at any moment. I won't get blood on my hands like that, I'll go look for her." - she said with a firm tone to Emily and JJ and she noticed that Rossi was also entering the haul

"Daisy, no, it's an order. Stay here. We can't go looking for her, our hands are tied and furthermore she's a teenager, do you know how many times when I was a teenager I disappeared after drinking and my friends had to look for me for hours?" - Emily said with a deadly look

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