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«The heart went out.»

When she arrived at the house hidden by the trees Daisy couldn't help but feel even worse about what she was about to do to Emily. She wished she could meet her in another universe, where they could be friends or lovers without her having to betray the other.

"So? What nice thing do you have to say to me?" - the boy told her as soon as he saw her enter the front door

"Bring me Rose and then we'll talk about it." - Daisy replied coldly as she approached the boy

"You don't make the rules here princess." - he replied with an evil grin

It was in a second that Daisy completely eliminated the little distance that separated them and tightened her hand around his neck, stronger than she would have liked, but she retained no mercy for that disgusting human being.

She twisted herself and the boy from their positions, ending up standing behind him, her arms gripping his throat tightly. He had succumbed to Daisy's strength and readiness, ending up on his knees on the floor.

"Just to remind you that I'm not like you, I don't need a gun to be scary. The only reason I haven't killed you with my own hands yet is because you have my daughter and because I know that your team of bastards would come for me in a second, but don't forget not to test my patience too much." - Daisy said, continuing to squeeze his throat

"Leave me slut." - said the boy panting

"Do you understand what I'm saying?" - Daisy asked, squeezing even tighter

Only after the boy had found the strength to nod Daisy let go and waited patiently for her little girl to be brought into her arms. All the torments, again, seemed to slip away from her mind when the nanny finally handed the baby to her.

"Don't ever let yourself do what you did today." - said the boy after they were both sitting on the armchairs

"Otherwise what will you do? Don't think I'm stupid. You have no other way to get to Emily Prentiss than me and since you're so obsessed with her you can't get rid of me."

"I can always do it later, no one would try to save you." - said the boy

A shiver of terror ran down Daisy's spine: he was right. If he had also decided to kill her after killing Emily no one would have looked for her, no one would have tried to bring justice, no one would have cried at her grave.

She knew that in reality that boy didn't have enough balls to kill her too. He and his team had never unjustly stained themselves with blood, it was their rule: no innocent person should be unjustly involved in their games.

This was how he had also justified having involved Rose: the baby was too young to remember what was happening and after the mission was over she would live a quiet life without remembering anything.

"So? What's new?" - he continued when he didn't get any response from Daisy

"She trusts me. Not enough to lead her into your trap yet, but the decisive step has been taken."

"You slept with her, didn't you? How does that bitch fuck? Who's the bottom between the two?"

Daisy was disgusted. She would never answer that question and even if she did he would probably never believe her. Few could have understood that Emily was extremely passive in bed and highly active in her life, but Daisy understood that immediately.

Sex was the only time Emily Prentiss gave up control and she accepted losing it completely. Daisy was convinced that the older woman shouldn't behave the same way when she slept with men, she trusted only the women enough to do so.

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