S2:E5 - "What's the point?"

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"Well, yeah, I do," Ni-ki confessed his crush on Heeseung. Nothing but shame and embarrassment could be heard in his hushed voice.

"Hey, there's no reason to feel bad," The male next to him tried to reassure him as he patted his head.

"Yes, there is," The younger told him with an exasperated sigh. "Those are my best friends and I'm the reason why they got together. I helped Heeseung with everything. I even set up that dumb picnic for them the night they confessed. I should be the last person to ever be upset over them being together," A small pout formed on his face.

"Maybe they'll break up," Sunghoon shrugged nonchalantly, the saddened conversation changing into a more lighthearted one.

"Hoon! Don't speak that into existence," Ni-ki scolded the older as he sat up from the position he was formerly in now facing the other.

"I wasn't; I was wishing it," The celebrity stated before shoving food into his mouth.

"And they say I'm the bad one," The youngest of the two muttered under his breath with an eye roll.

After the group of seven ate, they all began to go their separate ways, but before Jungwon could go anywhere Sunghoon tapped him on the shoulder with a conceited smile.

"What do you want?" Jungwon questioned with a raised brow.

"Wanna come over tomorrow?" The taller of the two asked as he rested his arm on the younger's shoulder.

"Uhm, I don't know...," The male told the other with a look of concentration on his face.

"I'll let you listen to the demos for the new album," Sunghoon tried to convince the other and it worked!

"What time?" The shorter of the two wondered with a smile on his face.

"Any time you'd like. I'm free all day," The singer informed his friend.

"I'll text you, kay?" Jungwon held up an okay sign with his hand.

"Okay, thanks, that's all I needed. Bye~," The celebrity smiled as he pushed Jungwon resulting in him bumping into Heeseung who was looking at something on his phone.

He could be seen looking a bit startled but asking Jungwon if he was okay. The smile Sunghoon once had on his face disintegrated once he saw the couple walking away, arms wrapped around each other. They turned around before leaving and waved goodbye to the others.

"Hyung, you okay?" Ni-ki asked the male who looked to be spacing out.

Sunghoon blinked a few times, releasing himself from his trance. "Don't ask stupid questions," He rolled his eyes irritably.

"At least you can get some alone time tomorrow," The younger shrugged as he directed the older to where the rest of their friends were.

"But can I kiss him? No, so what's the point?" The silver-haired complained as he exasperatedly threw his hands up in the air.

"Stop whining about it like a baby," The ravenette joked as he purposely bumped into the celeb. "I can stay over for the meantime if you'd like. I'm not the type to gossip, but maybe we could talk about our crushes~," The male offered and Sunghoon couldn't say no to the kind gesture. Plus, it'd be nice to vent to someone about how he left, no?

𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱'𝘀 𝗯𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝗻 | sungwonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant