S1:E10 - "Oh dear."

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Sunghoon had just gotten back home from the convenience store. He walked in through the door and heard a voice that he hadn't listened to in person for years.

"Hyung?!" He exclaimed as he looked into the living room.

"Your favorite cousin is back!" The male on the couch announced enthusiastically.

"Hyung!" Sunghoon cheered as he went and gave his "favorite cousin" a hug. "It's been so long!"

"No need to squeeze so tight," Jay told the younger as he struggled for breath.

"Hehe, sorry about that," Sunghoon chuckled with an awkward expression as he ended their contact.

Jay smirked at the younger's face. "Did someone miss me?" He inquired, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not at all," Sunghoon denied, suddenly acting like his normal stuck-up self.

"Yeah right," Jay rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, we can debate about this later. As one of the world's biggest artists, I have stuff to do," Sunghoon bragged as he got up from his seat.

"What's today?" The other wondered.

"I have a photoshoot in half an hour and I have to film for some interview. Honestly don't know what it's about. My manager is so bad at explaining things," Sunghoon informed Jay while complaining.

The two both entered the celebrity's room as he continued on. "I don't really like that guy. I'm trying to get Jake to be my personal assistant but he won't do it. So annoying, am I right?" He blabbed on as he walked into his massive closet. Jay only responded in hums as he sat down on the cushioned chest at the end of the younger's bed.

"Anyways, that guy is just so bleh. Not fun, not interesting; he just tells me stuff and then leaves. I'm already by myself when doing work. I'd just like someone to talk to while on the job, you know?"

"Yeah, I understand," Jay nodded compassionately.

"Can you help?" Sunghoon turned around and gave his cousin puppy dog eyes.

"And how would I help?" Jay sighed.

"You have a lot of money. You could pay them to get me a new manager," Sunghoon told him with a pout as he twiddled his fingers.

"I'm not doing that," The older refused.

"C'mon! Do it for your favorite cousin!" The silver-haired male whined.

"I will poke my eyeballs out if you don't fix your face," Jay threatened as he massaged his temples.

"Please~" Sunghoon begged.

"I just got here and the first thing you do is ask me to spend all of my money on you?"

"It's not all of your money. You're rich; a few thousand won't hurt," The male shrugged.

"Aren't you the celebrity?" Jay mocked.

"They won't listen to me!" Sunghoon huffed.

𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱'𝘀 𝗯𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝗻 | sungwonWhere stories live. Discover now