S1:E9 - "Not too shabby."

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Jungwon had just finished slurping up the last few noodles in the cup when he saw that an unknown number had texted him; it was Heeseung.

He opened the chat and Heeseung asked if they could have lunch together the next day. Jungwon didn't know for sure if Sunoo would be okay with it but it'd be too mean to say no to him so he agreed.

The two then had a short conversation about little nothings before Heeseung said he had to go.

Jungwon put his phone in his pocket then picked up his trash and threw it away. He kindly wished the worker a good afternoon and made his way out of the building with his bag of two items in his right hand.

As he made his way down the streets he took in the warm mid-day sun. There was a slight breeze in the air that made him feel even more comforted. It had been a while since he had taken a walk it wouldn't hurt to explore the streets for a few, would it?

The cat-eyed boy headed to a nearby park that was often secluded. There was nothing but grass, a few trees, some benches here and there, and a few concrete paths that led to different entrances and exits.

He saw a few people walking their dogs and a family of four walking around, but that was it. He smiled to himself a bit. A nice, peaceful, stress-free stroll is just what he needed after the mess of a day Friday was.

He was quite sad that the next day was Monday but it was a new week and a new start. At least he had made a new frenemy. Although, he didn't know if that was a good thing or not. How'd he go from a hater of this guy to now blushing whenever he told him one of those slick, conceited phrases of his?

He would not fall through. He vouched to himself the night before. Sunghoon was an annoying, self-centered ass who had nothing going for him but his long height and beautifully sculpted face.

Sunghoon's case was pretty privilege at its finest. That was the only reason he was popular. It had to be. His music isn't even that good. Not catchy in the slightest. Jungwon didn't understand how he got hired and debuted as a soloist. He found himself way better than the celebrity. He could do all the lame stuff he did. He was quite handsome if he asked himself; Sunghoon even admitted it before insulting him.

Jungwon pulled his earbuds out of his pocket and placed one in both ears. He then started playing one of his favorite songs at the moment, Like by BTS.

He sang along to the lyrics of the song, his sweetly unique voice circling around in the air surrounding him. Once he got to the chorus he started doing the simple yet admirable choreography of the dance. Getting lost in the music before continuing on his walk and finishing up the song.

He had gotten to the last line of the song when he suddenly lost his balance due to tripping on a rock. He was filled with shock and nothing in him could bring him to react quickly enough so that he wouldn't hit the hard concrete.

That's when he felt a pair of strong arms catch him.

"You okay?" The person who prevented him from injury asked.

Jungwon looked up and saw... Heeseung? What was he doing there?

"Y-yeah, I'm okay," Jungwon smiled shyly as he nodded; a faint red tint painted his face.

Heeseung carefully helped Jungwon back to his feet before speaking, "Your voice, it's really pretty," He smiled kindly.

"Thanks," Jungwon blushed even more at the compliment.

"Uhm, did you need some... company? I'm available if you do," Heeseung asked sheepishly as he scratched his nape.

"I was just taking a short walk. I don't really mind," Jungwon indirectly agreed. He didn't want to seem desperate or anything of the sorts.

"Let's get going then?" Heeseung wondered.

Jungwon only gave him a nod before starting back on his journey.

The two were silent for a minute after they began to walk. No one knew what to say.

"So..., how did you and Ni-ki become friends?" Jungwon broke the ice.

"It was sometime last school year. Only a few months ago. I offered to walk him home since he was alone and his bike broke," Heeseung explained.

"I thought he was lying about that. Oopsies," The shorter giggled remembering what happened that day.

Ni-ki had been getting on the other two in his friend group's last nerves that day. He would not shut up, and you know it's bad when Sunoo out of all people thinks you're yapping your trap too much.

The two then planned a prank on Ni-ki. They were all supposed to ride their bikes to the park together after school but the oldest of the trio decided to leave earlier than him. They would still go to the park they had planned on meeting at, they just wouldn't bring Mr. Chatterbox.

They didn't know that Ni-ki's bike wheel would fall off before he could get on it. They had waited thirty minutes for him just to find out the bike had been broken. They didn't believe the poor boy though. He had lied so much that day calling it a "funny joke" that they didn't know what to and what not to believe anymore.

"He told me about that," Heeseung chuckled at Jungwon's comment.

"How did you guys meet," The taller of the two asked the other.

"I don't really remember," Jungwon lied. "It's been so long," A fake laugh emitted from his throat.

"Ahh, I understand. I'm that way with my best friend, Jay. We've known each other since third grade. That's all I know," Heeseung grinned at the thought.

That's when Jungwon noticed how pretty and perfect the male beside him's smile was. It was charming but precious at the same time. And his lips, they had looked so perfectly sculpted, so el-

Jungwon hit himself in the head frustrated with his thoughts. His corrupted thinking went away but he couldn't help but take another glance at the other. Not too shabby. But there's no way he'd like me. Yang Jungwon! What are you thinking?! He had no clue what was going on in his head, but one thing was for sure, he did not like it.

- ☁️ !! ꒰ ¹⁰⁹⁶ words ꒱ ~ ★

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