S1:E2 - "Fuck my life."

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Jungwon's phone started playing that, oh so very annoying alarm at 6:00 am on the dot. He groaned at the sudden noise before shutting his phone off and settling his way back to sleep.

What was meant to be a five-minute sleep turned into fifty before Jungwon woke up.

Panic in his eyes, he jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth messily as he grabbed a towel from under the sink to wash his face with after.

Once finished, he ran to his closet and cursed at himself for not laying out any clothes the night before.

He decided to just snatch the first hoodie and pair of sweats he saw and called it a day. He rushed to put his clothes on as he heard his phone start to blow up with text messages from he and his friends' group chat. He already knew that were asking where he was since they normally met up to head to school together.

"I fucked up," Jungwon sighed to himself as he grabbed his bag and phone.

He then headed towards his apartment door slipping on a pair of white shoes all while texting his friends.

When he finished he left out of the building and booked it down the stairs. He almost fell a few times but he made it to ground level safely before running down the street to try and catch up with his friends.

"Oh, my!" Jungwon exclaimed at the insane amount of traffic. "Why today?" He frowned deeply before turning and taking the long way to his school.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna make it in time. The traffic is crazy," He told the two as they FaceTimed.

"Why'd you even do that?" Sunoo rolled his eyes from the other line.

"I thought I hit snooze!" Jungwon justified his actions not 100% sure if he was telling the truth or not.

"I find that very hard to believe," Sunoo stated with squinted eyes.

"Whatever," Jungwon huffed.

"Hyung, school starts in ten minutes just so you know," Ni-ki nonchalantly told the older as he tapped away on his phone.

"Okay, you keep running, Won. We'll see you later," Sunoo began to wrap up the call.

"Kay, bye," Jungwon waved at the two through the camera.

"Bye, dumbass!" Sunoo waved before hanging up.

"Son of a- oof-," Jungwon got cut off by running into someone.

"Watch where you're fucking going," The stranger scoffed before walking away.

The male scratched his head a bit confused as to what happened before becoming upset.

"That guy is so lucky I'm late," Jungwon stated before making his way down the street.

"Mind explaining to me and the rest of the class how it's possible to be twenty whole minutes late, Mr. Yang?" Jungwon was greeted warmly by his teacher.

"I slept in...," The teen replied, head hanging low.

"We haven't even been in school for two months and this is how you're acting already? Disgraceful it really is. I bet your mother would be really disappointed, eh?" The woman continued to go on.

𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱'𝘀 𝗯𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝗻 | sungwonWhere stories live. Discover now