"I want to see cute boys," Sara smiled. Chase stared at her until her smile went away. "Why can't I see cute boys." She huffed.

"They are bringing back the fire staff challenge," Leo smirked.

"What's a fire staff?"

"This," Leo walked to the side and picked up a staff as he twirled it in the air. "Is a fire staff."

"Don't hurt yourself," Sara crossed her arms as she leaned against the desk. Her hip touched Chase on accident. Leo put it down as it lit up. "Giant glowstick."

"It looks like a light stick," Adam tilted his head.

"It's a fire staff! The competitors battle each other with their own fire staff and the winner gets a walk-on scene in the next movie," Leo smiled. He pointed the fire staff at Sara. "And that winner is going to be me." He moved it back hitting himself in the face.

"Called it." Sara muttered.

"Greetings good Morfs," Davenport came in with a cloak and a blue fire staff.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked as they both went face to face. Sara leaned close to Chase.

"Which Morf will win?" He smirked at her.

"Getting ready for the Alien Gladiator convention. I am Elder Lumina." Davenport smirked. He looked at his firestaff as it made a noise. "And Elder Lumina will be victorious in the fire staff challenge."

"Look Elderly Lumina," Leo twirled his staff. "I hate to get your robes in a bunch, but that role is mine."

"Funny, but I've grown up loving the movies, and being a part of it has been my childhood dream." Davenport passed his weight from one hip to the other.

"Funny, I thought childhood dreams died when you're forty," Leo shot back.

"Okay out of the way micro morf," Davenport started twirling the fire staff as Leo moved back. Chase pulled Bree and Sara out of the way as the two of them stood opposite each other. Davenport did have skill with the staff, more than Leo at least. "Still think I can be beat?"

"I don't know what was more amazing your moves or the fact that your dentures didn't fall out?" Leo put his arms out as he taunted. They both ran after each other.

"What are the chances that Leo can win?" Sara asked as she stole Chase's chair before he could sit back down.

"Zero," Chase added as he crossed his arms and leaned against the desk.

"Adam, honey, you gonna take the hat off yet?"

"No," Adam touched it to make sure it was still there.

"We should get going," Bree smirked. "We're going to be late for school." She grabbed Sara's hand dragging her from the chair as they went to grab their bags.

Leo was in the hallway twirling the fire staff around like he wasn't in the middle of school. Bree, Chase, and Sara were sitting on the bench in front of him as others passed through the halls.

"It's so shiny," Sara pointed out as she leaned back.

"I showered with it."

"Gross." Sara grimaced. Bree stood up and walked toward him stopping his twirling before he hurt himself.

"Do you really think you're going to beat Mr. Davenport?"

"Please, once he starts sweating he'll go blind from his hair dye," Leo explained as he leaned onto his fire staff. Adam jogged down the stairs pulling down the bottom of his shirt.

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