01 - Shots!

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"Yoo dudes!" Joseph exclaimed, barging in from seemingly out of nowhere and plopping himself on the side of the couch. "I got us some root beer!" he exclaimed invitingly.

The case of tiny bottles clang loudly against each other as they were aggressively thrown down onto the sofa.

Joseph, with a wide grin on his face, grabs a drink from the case. He looks up at the other boys expectantly.

"Joseph! Where'd you get those??" Junior's jaw drops in awe. His heart raced eagerly at the sight, wanting to just grab a bottle already.

Cody looks over past the other boy to see what Joseph brought. When he was just about to say something, he was cut off.

Joseph's face lights up even more as he sees the excitement in Junior's face. "Dude! I got them from a homeless man, the only price I had to pay was um.. actually I don't wanna talk about it dude." he looks to the side awkwardly..

As Cody and Junior look over, Joseph gestures towards the case with an inviting nod. "Go on!"

"Oh well.. okay! Let's drink then!" Junior cheers, jumping at the opportunity. He reaches out his hand, gesturing for a bottle to be handed.

"Joseph, that's not root beer, that's actual alcohol."

"And how do you know dude?"

Cody gives Joseph a skeptical look, gesturing towards the bottles in the case. "Because it says so right on the labels. That one's whiskey, that one's vodka, and that one's gin. None of those are root beer."

Joseph chuckles, "Well even if they are indeed real alcoholic beverages. Maybe we can try something a bit stronger than root beer, seeing as we're older now."

Junior's excitement wanes a little, but he still seems curious.

Cody huffs frustratingly, "Even so, we're underage, we can't drink these."

"Don't be a PUSSY Cody." Junior shouts.

"Yeah Cody, don't be a pussy!" Joseph chimes in.

Cody rolls his eyes, "Fine, but we'll have to be careful." Joseph raises his bottle in a toast, the three boys raise their bottles and clink them together. They all take a sip, enjoying the taste of the unfamiliar beverages.

As they finish their first swig, Joseph leans back, a contented smile on his face. "This is good stuff. I think we need to try more of these." Junior and Cody nod in agreement, secretly disagreeing majorly at such a shitty taste.

The three boys start grabbing even more bottles for themselves. Cody only grabbing one. They spend the next portion of the evening chatting and laughing, enjoying the company of one another.

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