"Then it snapped. She laughed while I climbed down to help her," Nora muttered telling a story. I frowned and stood behind her. She leaned against my knees. Sophia Ray stood and hugged me. I hugged back awkwardly trying to support Nora.

"The girl is Maddie Fawley," she muttered. "She was Lyra's best friend," I nodded. Fawley, part of the sacred 28. Respected but not on the list of Voldemort's followers, past or present. I shook my head, thankful I had my two best friends.

"She didn't deserve this," she muttered. Maddie squeezed her hand.

"No one does," she smiled and shook her head.

"Thank you," Maddie nodded, she looked devastated. I could see tear trails on her face. Thankfully Estella came over.

"Are you injured?" Estella asked. Nora shook her head.

"Can I get you anything?" Maddie asked, glancing at Estella. Estella's hair was matted to her head with blood obviously she had a head injury she wasn't caring for. I smiled at their care but Nora just shook her head, fiddling with her ring.

"Maybe some water?" I asked. Estella nodded and waved her wand. A glass appeared next to Nora. I watched Estella pull Maddie to another cluster of people. Nora shook her head.

"I just want to go home," she muttered. I nodded.

"I know," I muttered.

"Kaitlyn, is your life still here?" I smiled.

"Yeah, Nora. I think it is," she nodded.

"You should stay here," she said. "Gavin will move in with me, our apartment is bigger than his and you can move in with the Weasleys or Sophia Ray. Apply at Hogwarts or something," she ranted. "I love you, but our lives are on different sides of the pond," I laughed since I couldn't disagree. I sunk down next to her and she leaned on me. I summoned her a tea and she took it smiling. I sipped the water Estella got us.

"I'm going to miss you," I said. She nodded.

"I will too. Kaitlyn?" I hummed. "Will you be my maid of honor?" Tears escaped my eyes again. I looked down at Sage. A calm soft expression. No fear. Just peace. A peace I wish I had.

"Of course," I laughed as more tears fell. She nodded.

"Good, now it won't be awkward when the best man and maid of honor walk down the aisle," she laughed hoarsely. I nodded, smiling. I sighed.

"I'm going to admit, I'm scared," I said. She nodded.

"Me too," I sighed.

"Thank you," she looked at me with the same expression she held before we left only a day ago.

"You are my best friend. Your fights are mine, I'll have to find a new best friend but you know I have my husband," she shrugged. I smiled and we sat by Sage's body for a long time. I put an arm around her and she curled into me. After a few minutes, she was asleep. I smiled and looked around. 

Taurus stood with the Weasleys, an arm around George as they cried for Fred and Lyra. My eyes watered at the thought. I choked it back as I looked for Estella. She stood a few feet away from Sophia Ray, Ace, and Oliver. I tilted my head onto Nora's, reminding myself I had two more siblings. 

My eyebrows raised when Oliver walked over to Estella. He said something crossing his arms. She stood with her hands on her hips. He said something and she smiled softly before her smile dropped and she punched his shoulder. He grabbed his arm and laughed putting his other hand to his forehead. Estella rolled her eyes. I smiled and closed my eyes.


The wedding was beautiful. Nora was a vision in white with blue accents that complimented her eyes. She looked like an angel and Gavin cried as she walked down the aisle. There was somewhat of an air over the wedding, a taste of despair. Both Nora and I had an unexplainable sadness circling us. Gavin understood and did his best to support Nora. 

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