Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Wait Up

Nathan’s POV:

“Bianca?” I saw it. I saw everything.

“Nathan, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-“

I advanced to her and….

Bianca’s POV:

“Bianca?” I pulled away from the kiss and saw Nathan standing there. He saw us! Oh no…

“Nathan, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-“

He advanced to me.  Shut my eyes tightly and waited for the impact but it didn’t come..

Instead, he HUGGED ME!  What? What’s going on.

“I understand now. Everything . It’s okay, coz’ we’re on the same boat.” He pulled away and turned to Daniel..

“Take care of her, man”

After that he, walked away..

“Where are you going?!”

“To the one I truly love”

Nathan’s POV:

*flash back*

After the play, names of the people involved were called up on stage. Just so happens I stood next to Ella. When I held her hand for the final bow, I felt sparks run through my spine..

*end of flashback*

I ran out side the school in hope to catch up with her…

I did.


I grabbed her wrist gently so she won’t leave

“Ella wait let’s talk this over…’

“SO MANY thing have already happened, Nathan! And you want us to talk it over?!”

“Please, Listen to me. I know I’ve messed up. I was too blind to see that the one I need is already in front of me. I was too dense to realize that you’re the one I’ve been yearning for…I know I’m that stupid but please…don’t throw me out like this…after all that we’ve been through?”

“Yes, we’ve gone through rough times in this journey, Nathan. But were you really there?! Did you really care?! If you did, then, where were you?! You never took time to find your best friend in during those months! And now you come back saying that I’m the one!”

“Do you really want to know? Yes, I still continued courting Bianca. Yes, I dated her for months. And yes, I have completely ignored you in that time span. Now, let me ask YOU. If I tell you that I didn’t approach you because I was scared to hurt you, would you believe me?! If I said while we are dating, all I think about is you , would you forgive me?! And if I tell you that the moment I held your hand, I knew I was right about you, would you tell me you love me too?!”

“Please don’t make this any harder for me. Honestly, I don’t know what I want right now.”

With that she left…

I went back inside and saw Bianca and Daniel..

“What happened?” Bianca asked.

I just shook my head..

“You know what? I’m stll your partner for the talent show right?’

“What does that have to do with this?”

“I have and idea!”

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