Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Ella's POV:

The same went on for the rest of the week…

Nathan and Bianca happily laughing and chatting as if I wasn’t around…

There were even times that Bianca would call him to sit with them in the cafeteria and he would agree, leaving me to eat my lunch alone.

He wouldn’t stop blabbering about her… about the way speaks, how gorgeous her eyes were and so on…

AUugrrh! It is really getting on my nerves to the point that I can no longer hide my disappointment in him.

I always tear up thinking about it when I get home but I always tell myself to be strong.

Ella, of all the guys in this world, why did you love your best friend?!!

Am I really that jealous?

What did I just say?! Snap out of it, Ella!!

Still, I can’t stop thinking about him. What should I do?!!

“Miss Ella, are you alright?” my Math teacher asked me.

“Yes I am, sir”

“Kindly, solve the equation on the board”

After a few minutes, Math was finished. Literature was next.

We read the story “The Great Pretender”. It was a story written in French. A story about…

“Miss Ella, could you translate the first 3 lines in English please”

“Yeah sure”

‘It’s hard to pretend that you love someone when you don’t.;

It’s harder to pretend that you don’t love someone when you do;

But it is the hardest to pretend that you’re fine when you’re dying deep inside.’

The whole class was amazed.

“Well done, Miss Ella you may take your seat.”

“Thank you”

“That was amazing!” Nathan whispered. I just smiled at him.

The line I just read kept on ringing in my mind. It was too striking and was too correct. I just kept thinking about it that we were in the cafeteria and that Nathan was calling my attention.

“Oh, wait. What was that?”

“I said… I wanted you to teach me about the topic discussed in Math earlier, I wasn’t really paying attention.”

Yeah, I know. You’re too busy with Bianca.

I grabbed a pen and paper and started discussing though. I can’t help it!

“Right. So, isn’t it that y is equal to k times x? So k is equal to-“

“Hey guys, do you mind if I sit with you? Are you not busy or anything?” Bianca cut me off.

“No it’s fine. Go ahead” Nathan answered before I could

So you’ll let yourself fail because if her?! GEEZ seriously!!

She ‘accidentally’ dropped her handkerchief and Nathan picked it up for her when she was about to get it. So, their hands touched and their eyes locked.


“Thanks” she said  “No problem” he answered

Then they started to blabber again…I couldn’t really relate to what their talking about!

“Oh right, sorry for forgetting but Bianca, meet Ella, my best friend.”

“Hi there” she offered her hand and I gently shook it.

“Now, if you’d excuse me I need to go to the comfort room. I’ll be real quick.” Nathan said.

“Okay” we chorused

Then he left. There was a really awkward silence between us untl she spoke…

“What is really your connection to Nathan?”

Well, that was kinda…rude?

“I’m his best friend” I tried not to sound intimidated.

“you don’t like him more than that do you?” she added

“why are you asking me all these” I said trying to avoid the question.

“nothing. Just asking.”

Nathan came back “Did I miss anything?”

“Not really” I answered

From the corner of my eye, I saw her giving me a judging expression. What is that supposed to mean?

Bianca’s POV:

 I got closer to Nathan for this past days. He’s a really nice guy.

I think the reason that I couldn’t approach him that much is because of that girl. The girl he’s always with.

When I saw them in the cafeteria, I took my chance and sat with them. I found out that the girl’s name was Ella and that she was his ‘BFF’. I doubt it!  I could sense that there’s something more than that.

I tried to ask her but she tried to avoid the question, a sign that she’s hiding something.

Ella, whatever it is that you’re hiding, I’ll won’t let you ruin my plans….

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