Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:  TRYING to move on

Ella’s POV:

As soon as I woke up, the world started spinning… I clutched onto my head, hoping to lessen the pain.

Then, the events of the previous day started flooding my mind…that didn’t help… in fact it made my situation worse…

Now, my chest is clenching again. Urgghhh!!

“Ella honey, get up now or you’ll be late for school.”

“Mom, I don’t think I’ll be able to go to school today. I’m not feeling well.”

She went up to check on me..

“I guess you can. Get some rest now dear.”

“I will. Thanks Mom.”

I wasn’t lying. I wasn’t really feeling well. I got up for a while then took a glance of my self in the mirror..

I looked horrible from all the crying I did last night…

I took a warm bath, got dressed in comfortable clothes then went back to bed..

But no matter how horrible I felt, I still couldn’t manage to get some rest…

Was it before of what happened yesterday?

This is going to be a long day…

Nathan’s POV:

I pushed back the thought of the previous day and went back to my usal routine…

I picked up Bianca and walked with her to school..

When we got there, my eyes automatically looked for someone, Ella.

Wait. Why?

I guess I was just used to seeing her wait for me in the front entrance…

I’ve been neglecting her have I? You’re such an idiot, Nathan! I said and face palmed myself…

Bianca saw it and asked..

“Nathan, you alright?”

“ahhh…it’s nothing.”

“Why you face palming yourself all of a sudden?”

“I just forgot something..” I lied

“We could still get in if you want to.”

“No. It’s okay, I can handle this.”

“okay then”

We reached our homeroom class earlier than expected…

As soon as I got inside, I noticed that Ella wasn’t in her seat…

Strange, she never sacrifices a day of school…

Was she that hurt? What are saying, Nathan?! Of course that hurts!

 I can’t believe myself…

I can’t lose my best friend…I just can’t..

I have to talk to her!

How can you talk to her when you, yourself, are confused?! What would you tell her huh?!

“Mr. Nathan Harrison, are you alright?”

“Yes I am, sir.”

“Well then, you better listen because I’m not going to entertain questions later…

As I was saying, since the schools founding anniversary is just days away, I would like to inform you about the upcoming events that will take place two weeks from now. First there will be plays and presentations performed by selected students. These students will be selected by your literature and art teachers. Also, the school is also hold a contest which aims to showcase the talents of students; therefore, you are all required to audition for this event. Nevertheless, only selected pupils will be able to enter the main competition. You may go solo, in pair or in groups depending on your choice. Good luck guys and you may start planning now.”

Bianca’s POV:

This is the perfect moment for me and Nathan to get even closer. Especially that Ella is not around to get in the way of my plans.

“Nathan, let’s be partners!”

“uhh… Yeah, sure.”

Is he really okay? He doesn’t seem to be himself today..

Third person’s POV:

It has been hours of nothingness in school for our main characters today…

Atleast not until literature class…

Bianca’s POV:

Nathan’s been acting really weird today. I bet it’s because of Ella’s absence. I can’t lose his attention.; moreover, I can’t let him fall for that Ella girl…

I guess I have to put my plan in action-

“Listen up, people! As your homeroom teachers have discussed to you,  some of you are going to play a part in a play. And this year, we have decided that we should do the piece “Romeo and Juliet” which was written by William Shakespeare. I’ve thought about this and I have decided that the role Juliet will be portrayed  by Ms. Bianca Adams and the role of   Romeo will be portrayed by Mr…….ah, Daniel Ross! Here are your scripts and you may start practicing now.”

Perfect! I almost forgot about this fella!

LuckyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora