Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Jealousy is the ugliest trait  

Nathan’s POV:

I woke up extremely early today. I have to get myself ready for war!

I took a bath and wore the best polo shirt in my closet. I also styled my hair a bit differently ( in good way, of course).

When I got down, my sister immediately took notice of my new look..

“You look nice today! Is there something special coming up?”

“Not exactly.” I answered lamely.

“oh, oh! Is it a date with Ella?”

Wow, that was smooth Ms. Jenna Natalie Harrison…

“What?! No, I mean, Why?!”

“Nothing. She’s just really nice I like her!”

“Okay, then. But what if I tell you that the one I like is Bianca?”

“Bianca? You mean, Bianca Adams? Seriously?! HAHAHAHAHA!” what a supportive sister…hmp..

“Why are you laughing?!”

“You like that girl?!” she said, continuing her laughing fit..

“Yeah, got a problem with that?!”

“Seriously man, that girl would kiss my foot rather that that big lips of yours!”

“We’ll see about that!” with that I left her and went straight at Bianca’s place.

“Hey Nathan, you look nice today, what’s the occasion?”

“Nothing. Just trying to impress someone. You look beautiful, yourself”

“Thanks..” she said while smirking…is that a good thing?

Bianca’s  POV:

Wow Nathan Harrison, just wow.  I hope you are ready, because I still have a lot more up my sleeve…

Third person’s POV:

The play was a joint project so everyone in their senior year had to work for it..

They’d all be required to participate in this or else they’d have to suffer a failing grade.

Some got roles to play while those who didn’t make it were assigned in either the production team or creative designs team…

They are given the time by their teachers to prepare and practice for this only up until lunch time and resume to the regular classes they have in the afternoon.

This gave Bianca a good chance of proceeding with her plans...

Little did she know that someone had ‘sniffed’ her ideas…

Bianca’s POV;

We are practicing the scene where Romeo and Juliet meet at the masquerade party…

Which involves a slow dance between me and Daniel, of course…

Nathan’s POV:

Did someone pull out the batteries of the bell?! How can 4 hours be that long?!

“Okay guys, now where were we? Ah! The masquerade party! Positions, people!”

Then the music started…the characters recited their respective lines according to the play…

Then there was a slow dance that involved Bianca, my Juliet, and that fake bastard Romeo.

He had his hand on her waist and the other holding her hand …

While she had her other hand on his shoulder while staring at him lovingly..

I swear at that time, I was glaring at him so hard that I bore holes in his skull…

Then all of a sudden…

Roxanne’s POV:

I was placed in the production committee and was held in charge of writing the script for the play…     

“Okay guys, now where were we? Ah! The masquerade party! Positions, people!” our arts teacher yelled…

They, the characters, have been doing well so far.

Bianca and Daniel were acting out the masquerade scene when..

Bianca’s POV:

I hudde Daniel closer to me…

Roxanne’s POV:

Wait! That hug wasn’t in the script!

I told our teacher about it and she said

“that’s what you call getting into character.”

Say what?! Not even I would hug a guy whom I just met…


I turned my gaze to Nathan whose face was totally red from…JEALOUSY…

Now I see what you’re trying to do here, Ms. Bianca Adams.


Oh great it’s lunch already…

Nathan’s POV:

YES!! I’m finally out of ‘hell’!

What just happened back there?!

Oh No, here she comes! Compose yourself Nathan…

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