Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Ella’s POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. 6:00 am

“Oh my Gosh, I going to be late!”

I quickly got out of bed, took a bath and got dressed. I ran downstairs and saw my mom packing our lunches.

“Come and eat your breakfast first, dear. Today might be a long day.”

“No thanks, mom. I’m kinda running late”

“Okay then. Have fun.”

“I will mom. Bye. Love you. See you later”

Without even waiting for her reply, I dashed out of the house and rode my bike all the way to the school.

When I got there, I parked my bike and chained it to a nearby post.

I zoomed through the hallways and luckily I came right on time. While walking, I bumped into someone…

“OH, Hey there clumsy!”

“Morning, Nathan!”

“I’ve been looking for you! Where have you been?!”

Really? “Well, I just got here. I woke up kinda late this morning.”

“Waking up late on the first day of school? That’s  a good start! *sarcastic*”


“I missed you though!”  He hugged me…


Wait… Why am I freaking out? It’s not like he doesn’t do this all the time right? ARGH!! What is wrong with me?!

Yes, I have been in love with my bestfriend, Nathan, for God knows how long. We’ve basically known each other ever since we were in elementary. He and his family moved in a house only a few blocks away from ours when we were around 6 or 7 years old. And we’ve been friends since then.  

I just can’t tell him or at least let him notice that I like… no…. love him so I kept my cool and pushed him away lightly.

“Haha… we’ve been together all through summer, silly!”

“Yeah you’re right but we haven’t spoken to each other in a week. What happened?”

That’s true. I have been avoiding him for the past few days. I just wanted my mind to get some rest from thoughts about him and wishing that maybe I might forget my feelings for him but unfortunately, that didn’t work out.

“I…uhhh…” I struggled to come up with an answer

“I…guesss I was just busy.”

“Seriously?!  With what?”

“With something..”

“Spill it out, Ella.”

“I’ll tell you later. Let’s check our schedules first.”


We continued walking until I realized that he suddenly froze in his spot staring (with his jaw almost dropping) at something…or more like someone.

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