Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: Friends?

Third Person’s POV:

Let’s skip Sunday and move to Monday. I bet I already told you about their schedules for the rest of the week so…yeah

Practice still goes on, lines thrown out by characters, props made by the designs committee….

Bianca’s POV:

I was giving out my give emphasis to it, our director asked me to walk around. So I did. Then, all of a sudden I slipped on a paintbrush and..

“Ouch! Arghh!”

“Bianca! Bianca! You alright?! Where does it hurt?”

I looked up and saw Daniel. His face was so close to mine, it made me blush.. Wait, what?!

Looking away to hide my face, I hesitantly answered…

“Ah- I think…Ouch.. I think I sprained my ankle…” I said.

All of a sudden, the strong arms of his carried me.

‘What are you doing?”

“I’ll take you to the clinic. That needs to be treated.”

I feel myself calm in his embrace…Maybe he does mean what he said.

Maybe he is a changed man…

Before I knew it, I lay me down on the clinic bed as the nurse treated my sprain…

“She’ll be fine. You can do back now.” The nurse told him.

“No, I’ll stay here.” He insisted

The nurse chuckled and said “What a sweet boyfriend we got here. You are a lucky girl, miss” she winked at me.

I opened my mouth to protest but no words came out.

He chuckled and said “No, I am the lucky one.”

“haha..young love!” she said and left the both of us.

“hey! What was that for?!”

“I was just kidding with her.”

Then, followed by an awkward silence…

“I’m sorry about the other day…”

“No it’s okay. It’s true. You know what, just forget about it and rest. You need it.”

“You can go back there, they’ll need you, Romeo.”

“I’m sorry but I’ll stay here and watch over my Juliet who knows if something happens?”

We both giggled…



“I guess were okay now?”

“Take a rest and we’ll be..”

“Okay. Goodnight Romeo”

“Goodnight Juliet”

Nathan’s POV:

What the hell, Nathan? Bianca sprained her ankle and you didn’t even do anything!!!

You wanna know what’s more?!! You let that guy be the one to take her to the clinic!!!


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