Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Ella's POV:

When I followed the direction of his gaze, I realized that who he was staring at was Bianca, THE Queen bee and happens to be HIS


Gosh, what was I thinking! I can’t match up to that!

It really hurts a lot but I tried to fake it.

“Hello, earth to Nathan!”

“Wait? Huh? What was that?”

“Nothing. It just that someone was checking out the Queen.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t help it! She’s just sooooo pretty and everything, that’s all.”

That’s right rub on my face.

“Yeah. Sure. Let’s go. We still have to check our schedules remember?”


Bianca’s  POV:

I walked through the hallway together with my friends when someone caught my eye, Nathan. This guy really is something.

“Hey, see that guy over there?” she pointed to him.

“Yeah, he’s totally into you!” my other friend added.

“Who? Nathan?”

“Duh. Talk to him. He’s cute.”

 there goes another one…

“Guys, will you stop it! It’s embarrassing!” I started blushing and I don’t know why.

“Looks like someone is interested!” my friend said.

“Whatever. We have to check our schedules.”

They laughed it off and went to check our schedules.

Wait…. Look what I have here…

Ella’s POV:

We got our schedules and compared them.

So…We have Math, Literature, P.E., Chemistry, Music and History together.

“Hey dude, look. I have Physics, P.E. , Math and Music with Bianca!”

I didn’t see that coming.

“Today is your lucky day” I forced a smile.

“I know right. Let’s go.”

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