Royal Distastar

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Krystal's POV
      Today was the rumble and to say that I wasn't nervous about it would be a lie. I ran around the house, making sure I had my new gear for the night and everything I would need for the monday show.

Rhea was already packed and ready as she watched me from the kitchen counter.

  "Baby, you're going to be fine. You've packed your bag over 3 times and mumbled everything that you need. It's going to be okay I promise."

I sighed, running my hands through my hair that I recently had redone but just purple and black this time.

"I'm just scared babe. This is my first main event I've ever been in. And not to mention it's against the one person I absolutely hate."

Rounding the corner as she held her arms out to grab me , pulling me closer to her. "Baby, you're going to kill it out there. Don't worry about jazz. You know that Papi always has your back." I laughed as she peppered my face in sweet kisses.

  "I love you." She whispered softly in my ear as I smiled warmly. "come on we have to get to the arena." She let me go as I went to grab my bag, kissing monty on the nose. While Rhea said by to the other two.

Throwing everything into her truck, she quickly pulled out , letting me jump in front. The arena wasn't far away from us which was perfect because we could sleep in and relax at home.

She had the windows down, blaring her favorite song as I held her hand tightly. Pulling into the private parking garage for the superstars, we saw a whole group of people standing there.
    I laughed as many screamed our names, trying to get us to come over to them and sign their posters.

Rhea quickly switched into her character as she flipped them off, laughing like the menace she is.

    She whipped into a parking spot, shutting her truck off before getting out. My eye caught a view of Bright red hair, looking over further I saw Jazz walking this way.
   "Fucking lovely." I opened my door , to only then grab my suitcase from the back seat.

"Kangaroo! It's been so long. Where have you been. I've texted and called you."  I bit my lip , thanking the lord that she can't see my face right now.
"Why would you be calling me? Did something happen?" Rhea questioned her as I heard her door opening and closing.

I walked round the truck , Jazzs eyes caught mine. Instantly rolling them as she reached for Rheas forearm. " Can't we ever have a conversation with out her constantly being here."

  I scoffed, rolling my eyes at her while she huffed. I was to say something but Demi quickly spoke back to her.

"Honestly Jazz, grow up. That's my partner you're talking about and if you have a problem with us being around each other , then you can get the fuck out."

   Rhea stared at her with an emotionless face as Jazz held her mouth open. I beamed in pride, hearing her finally stand up for us. She pushed past jazz, making her way over to me and holding her hand out for me to grab.

    "I'll see you later carbon. Make sure you bring a good fight because i'll be winning tonight. Regardless of the match." Her voice held a bit of suspicion as I looked at her over my shoulder.
  "Don't listen to her. You're going to kick her ass tonight, she's trying to get underneath your skin." Her hand wrapping around my waist pulling me closer to her.

We made it to the locker room , seeing the guys there as they all smiled over to us. "hey ladies! How are you feeling? You excited CJ?" Priest looked over to me as I gave him a nervous look. "Don't stress this, you're going to be just fine. Then you'll have your wrestle-mania moment and become a champion that you're ready for." I gave him a hug as he returned it, as I looked over at Dom who held his hand out for a fist bump.

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