Water under the bridge

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Krystal's POV
I watched the two interact with each other while the Judgement day music went off, turning my head to the entrance and seeing Dom and Priest walking down. I turned my attention back to Hell Fire , seeing her flirting with Demi, right in front of me. I scoffed, causing her to look at me and laugh. Dom came over to my side , nudging me slightly, smiling at him. Priest stood by Hell Fire and smirked. I understand now what's going on with this, it's the newest storyline with priest possibly. "What are you doing here?" Demi asked her while she circled around her , flicking her eyes over to mine then over to Hell Fire. "I came to help you, show you that I want to join you." She placed her hand on Demi's shoulder , then tracing her fingers down her arm. I took a deep breath, containing myself from lashing out. I cleared my throat, watching Demi look up at me , making her walk away and stand next to me. "No." She bluntly said as she snaked her arm around my waist pulling me closer. "No, but look at what I can do for you. For the faction, I'm NXT Champion right now . That adds gold to your collection, unlike someone." Her eyes strayed to mine, I bit the inside of my cheek while I glared her down. "Come on, I'll be a great addition for this and we'll for you Mami." I felt every muscle in my body clenched in anger , Dom even got upset but not Demi, she seemed rather enthusiastic hearing that. I decided not to make a scene right now but I did pull away from her and walk over to Dom standing next to him. "I'm not hearing a no." I watched the red head walk closer to Demi , trailing her fingers over her arm and then leaving the ring. Taking off Demi's vest and handing it back to her , Dom and I walked out of the ring together leaving the two behind . "Wanna step outside with me." Dom leaned down as I agreed, walking to the back of the arena feeling the warm cool air hit me. "You okay?" I shrugged, sitting on the ground while Dom sat next to me. "Who is Hell Fire." He chuckled, shaking his head. "I knew you were going to ask me this. She's one of Rhea exs, she's the one that Rhea was pretty serious with and was the first girl she was with when she moved to the states." I scoffed, looking at Dom while he threw some rocks off the ledge. "How long were they together?" He stopped to look at me while he thought deeply. "I think the whole time she was in NXT, then she was moved to the main roster and Hell Fire left unexpectedly. I wouldn't over think this CJ, You absolutely have a right to be mad about what happened in the ring but Demi is in love with you and I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt or lose you again." He gave me a slight smile which did make me feel better, he was right , I needed to trust Demi and give her the opportunity to talk to me. "I just don't like how she treated her and then me in the ring. It was uncalled for." I sighed looking up at the sky seeing the stars slightly. "I can understand that CJ, but you and Demi haven't really made it official yet to the world. You know so it's hard for others to understand what is happening when it's between you two." I nodded looking at him, while he smiled softly. Our head turned towards the door opening and seeing Demi standing there. "Can I talk to you for a minute please." She looked over at me and Dom nodded, getting up and walking over to Demi. He smiled at her, placing his hand on her shoulder before walking back inside. "So this is where you went huh." Taking the spot next to me while I watched her. "Yeah, I needed some air and honestly I needed to calm down." She placed her hand in my thigh while she listened to me and what I was saying. "You told me to trust you Demi , but whatever that was in the ring. It didn't sit well with me, Who is she to you and why did you let her touch you like that. Especially when I was right there." She rubbed her thumb against me, letting out a deep breath before turning her attention back to me. "She was someone in my past that I once loved very much. She was the first person to ever come into my life when I got to the states. She is the wrestlers that Shawn wants me to elevate right now. I didn't know she was going to be here tonight and want to join. I told Shawn I'd give her a match but I guess she's not taking no for an answer. I'm sorry for what happened in the ring and for how that made you feel, I should've said something about it to her but I was just shocked. K I care about you so much, I don't want you to feel like you have to worry about her." I looked down at her hand, taking it into my own, while I rested my head on her shoulder. "Im trusting you Dems. It's just that you're mine Demi and to think about someone thinking that they having a chance to take you away from me , it's scares me." She pushed me off her shoulder, wrapping her arms around me instead while she pulled me into her lap. "No one is taking you away from me baby, I'm all yours." She pulled me down to her lips ,giving me a kiss that gave me so many emotions. The door opened , causing me to push away from Demi, who still held me tightly against her. "Oh I'm sorry. I just wanted to talk to Demi for a second." I looked up at Hell Fire who gave me a bitchy face as I crawled off her lap, while we both stood up. I went to make my way back inside, pushing past Hell Fire who rolled her eyes at me. "Jazz that's enough." Hearing Demi call her out brought me slight comfort before the door shut or well more like slammed behind me.
"Aye there she is!" Priest stood up, pulling me into. tight hug which I gladly returned back to him. "So we were thinking, driving through out the night tonight and arriving at the new hotel tomorrow morning. Giving all of us time to relax and explore the San Diego area, what do you think?" He looked at me while the other two were sitting on their phones. "That sounds like a good idea to me, I can take first shift on driving if that's cool so yall can sleep?" He smiled , handing me over the keys as he sat down in the couch. I grabbed my clothes and everything, packing it up when I saw Demi and I think her name is Jazz walk in together all buddy buddy. I cocked a brow over to Demi who immediately changed her attitude towards her. "Well I'll see you on tuesday then Jazz." She waved to her but Jazz didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug holding her tightly around her lower back. "I'll see you tuesday night kangaroo." I kissed my teeth, making my way into the changing room , ripping off my gear when my Nipple ring got caught on my top, ripping my skin slightly. "Jesus fucking christ, that fucking hurt." Looking down, seeing the blood already present while Demi came running in and seeing me naked. "Hey , what happened you okay?" I turned around, quickly covering myself up with my bra. "Yeah, everything is fine. My nipple ring got stuck and ripped my skin." I turned around after throwing my shirt over me. "Hey, stop. Talk to me I can tell your upset baby." I shook my head , not wanting to deal with it right now. Instead of letting me walk away she grabbed me by the back of the neck pulling back into her. "Is it because you're frustrated baby. Do you want me to take care of that?" She lowly whispered into my ear as her hand rubbed my against my waistband of my sweats. "No, I don't want to have sex." Pulling out of her grasp and back out to the guys who wait for us patiently. "Damn that was fast. Ripley usually takes her time." Priest joked but it made me feel uneasy, grabbing my keys and walking out of the room with Dom following me. "Did she talk to you?" I nodded as I looked over my shoulder seeing that she wasn't close enough. " She told me , but it doesn't make me feel any better that she comes into the room all buddy buddy, letting her call her pet names and then thinks I'm mad because I wasn't getting laid." Dom shook his head in disbelief as I unlocked the SUV. "Want me to ride Passenger with you?" I shrugged my shoulders while he put my suitcase in for me and they finally met up with us. "Doms going to stay up with me, so you can have the chance to relax." I looked over to Demi, hanging my head slightly before making my way over to the door. "Hey wait." She closed my door , blocking me from getting into the car. "This isn't like you baby, what's wrong." Her hand cupped my face as I looked up at her eyes, seeing them shine. "You let her call you a pet name, once again right in front of me after we just had that conversation about how it made me feel. If the situation was reversed which it was at one point you'd flip your gasket. Then the comment with Priest, It made me feel dirty and uncomfortable. So yes I'm upset, I don't feel respected by you when Jazz is around." Her face fell into a guilty one , knowing that I'm actually talking to her instead of hiding it. "I'm sorry, I told her that she needs to stop being touchy and flirty with me because I'm with someone." I shook my head in shock as she said that to me. "So you didn't tell her that we were together." Looking back up at her while she thought about it. "I mean, She walked out to us kissing, you were sitting in my lap. I didn't think I needed to say your name." I bit my lip , turning back to the door handle but she blocked it from me. "Hey, stop. baby if it makes you feel better then I'll tell her that I'm seeing you then." I looked back at her, staring back. "You shouldn't have to say it to make me feel better Demi, you should be saying it because you want to." Her hand fell off the handle as I climbed into the drivers seat , Dom already had the gps pulled up and the guys were laying down in the back. Dom shot me a quick glance before turning her attention elsewhere so Demi didn't notice.
I was 6 hours into the drive , my head on fire from thinking about Jazz and Demi. Everyone was already asleep and I couldn't so I stayed driving. Looking down at the gps, we only had 20 minutes left before reaching to hotel and I wasn't even excited to lay in bed. I just don't understand how she would want to elevate someone that was in her past with the person she is with now. How Demi switches completely when Jazz comes around versus if I'm in the room. How she lets her touch her and talk to her like they are still together or whatever.
I pulled into the hotel , parking the car, watching everyone waking up as I laughed at their surprise. "You drove the whole way, why didn't you wake one of us up." Dom looked over at me, worry laced his face. "I wasn't tired." I smiled at him before getting out of the car and going to the back of the car, seeing Demi holding onto my suitcase. "I can take that." She shook her head before walking into the hotel and grabbing the keys for all of us. She handed the guys theirs but she never handed me mine. "Hey , can I have my key?" She smiled, shaking her head. "we're sharing a room together." I slowly nodded as we all rode up in the elevator and off on the same floor. "We'll see y'all later, I'm going to make sure this one gets some sleep since she decided to play captain." The guys laughed, as we all walked into our room. " K can I ask you something?" I turned around , watching her put the bags on the desk. "Yeah, what's wrong." She walked over to me , taking my hands into hers as she stared at me. "Do you feel threatened with Jazz showing up." I licked my lip slightly as I looked away and then back at her. "It's not that I feel threatened, I want to feel like I'm the only woman in the room when you're with me. I can't compete with her Demi, she's more experienced in this sport, she's definitely more built, and she's way more attractive than I am. I'm not threatened because if it came down to it I'd rather leave than feel like that again. I'm insecure about myself because she's the better option." She let out a sigh, pulling me into her chest, holding me tightly against her. "Baby there's no need to feel insecure or anything about her in any way. You are the only person who I see in the room, the only one who I want to come home too. You are my girl in and out of my ring. She is my past baby, you are my present and future." She rested her head on top of mine, kissing me a few times before pulling away and over to the bed. "Come here sweetheart." She opened her arms up to me , as I crawled over to her snuggling into her chest. "Get some sleep okay, I'll be right here the whole time." Kissing my head once more as I felt my eyes growing heavier.

I felt something against my neck that made me moan softly, opening my eyes to Demi hovering over me and her lips kissing my neck. "shhh, let me love on you sweetheart. Let me show you that you are EVERYTHING to me." Her lips crashed onto mine , waking me up fully as I kissed her back matching her pace. Her hands slowly made their way underneath my shirt , massaging my breast slowly, teasing me as she rubbed her thumb against my hardened nipples. I moaned into her mouth as she smiled breaking the kiss and traveling down my neck and latching onto it. She grabbed at the end of my shirt pulling it over my head , while I grabbed the end of hers. Watching her slowly stripping it off at the edge of the bed. Crawling back up to me , I flipped us both over to now I'm on top.  I connected our lips while I explored her body with my hands, feeling her breath pick up as I touched her. Pulling away from her lips , I watched eagerly as I teased my finger at her waist line. "Please." Was all she said , before I moved myself to be in between her legs and slowly removing her shorts and underwear.
    "So fucking gorgeous baby." I whispered against her smooth skin , kissing up her inner thigh slowly. I smiled hearing the soft moans coming from her mouth, while her hands tangled themselves in my hair. I flicked my eyes to her once more , seeing her bright baby blues staring back. "Baby, please." She begged me once more , as I blew against her dripping sex. I moaned in pure bliss , as I flattened my tongue against her. She let out a moan that was like music to my ears , pulling my hair to push me closer to her. I circled my tongue counter clockwise against her clit , then running down and pushing it inside of her as far as I could go. "Fuck, It feels so good. Oh baby." Repeating my actions once again , hearing her moans turn louder. I grabbed ahold of her hips with one hand , pulling them down and pinning her in place. Picking up the pace of my tongue, I teased her with my fingers before I slowly thrusted one into her. "Oh god yes."  pulling my hair as I slowly fucked her with my fingers , flicking my eyes up to her as she rolled her eyes back and her body arched. I gave her a few more flicks with my tongue before pulling away and picking my pace up with my fingers. "Fuck baby." I bit my lip watching her crumble beneath me as she held her breast, moans turning into screams as I added another finger. "Krystal, oh my god." I rubbed her thigh with my other hand , as I felt herself slipping into her climax while her legs started to shake. I crawled back up to her lips, capturing them while she moaned into my mouth. "Cum for me my love." She did just that as she pressed herself against me , her hands gripped my back holding me tightly against her while her legs shook. I slowly pulled out from her , taking my fingers and sucking on them infront of her. She groaned as I flicked my tongue against my own finger tips. "You feel okay?" Pushing back one of her strands of hair, as her hands rubbed up and down my back. "That was fucking incredible baby." She smiled up at me , her eyes searching me mine. "Krystal, I .." Both of our heads snapped to the door as three loud knocks were given. I rolled off of Demi , putting my clothes on quickly and opening the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" My face turned sour as I stared at the bright red hair woman at my door. " Jazz." Was the only thing I said as she pushed through the door and into our room, I pulled her back which caused her to look at me and raise her fist. I flinched out of reaction, hearing her laughing. "Fucking Pathetic." She whispered softly. "Jazz, get out." I looked over, seeing Demi standing there, enraged at what she was seeing in front of her. "Kangaroo it's not what it looks like." I watched Jazz quickly try and turn the situation around. "It looks like you were about to swing on my girlfriend. Now get out." I watched her huff in response, giving me a nasty look before stomping out of our room. 

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