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Krystal Pov

  I stood behind the curtain as I could hear Damian talking about how they are ready to expand the Judgement Day. I fixed my jacket, undoing the button so the whole outfit is showing as my music hit.  I walked out as i stared down to the ring as the crowd cheered loudly as the cheered my name. I flipped my hair over to the side as I started walking down to the ring, ignoring the fans that wanted my attention. Unfortunately for them, mine was on the women in the ring who was giving me daggers as she saw my outfit. I could see the rage, the attraction , the desire and need from Demi as she watched me climb into the ring.  Dom held the ropes for me as Priest held his hand out to help me, Demi walked closer to me. She looked at me as I licked my teeth like she does before turning away from her and towards the crowd. "Alright, shut up you peasants. You wanted me, you got me." I smiled as I watched the crowd still cheering for me. I turned around now facing Demi who held her head up as she watched me. " Papi?" I looked at her as she raised her eyebrow, nudging Dom. " Welcome home sweetheart." she smirked slightly as Dom came over as her hugged me tightly as did the guys. My eyes never left Demis as she licked her lips. The guys let go as I walked over to stand next to her, as all of our attention turned towards the entrance. The street profits and bobby lashley came out as they were all in suits, watching them as they stood in the middle of the entrance. " Congratulations Judgement day , seriously.  Now maybe you'll have a fight chance against us with Carbon Jade on your side." I watched the guys clench their jaws as they stood tall in the ring. "But here's the thing." I didn't let them finish as I walked forward talking back. " Nah let me tell you how things are going to run here. You three blind mice are gonna turn away and walk back to the way you came because obviously your lost. The judgment day runs all of WWE lets not forget that when you faced my guys, you lost and then you almost split. You guys run around here taking orders like your someone bitch. oh wait you are, right montez, right Angelo?" I raised brow as the three guys stood there speechless while Finn and Priest were laughing behind me.  I looked over to Demi who know was standing next to me with anger and pride on her face. "Listen here Carbon Jade, You run your mouth like your the best of the best but don't you remember who you belong too? aren't you Rhea Ripley's side piece? Coming in second to her latino Heat right, Come on Jade." I went to jump out of the ring but a hand grabbed my shoulder as I saw Doms hand holding me back.    
"Count your blessing Carbon Jade, They might just run out before your "Papi" can save you. oh wait, you're her second choice, better hope you have your family behind you." I was livid as I clenched my jaw. " Shut up Montez, you wanna talk about her like she means nothing to me then why don't you step into my ring and say it to my face." Demi issued the challenge as Montez laughed at her, walking back to the entrance. "I'd hate to be you Carbon, You made an enemy tonight and I can't wait to see them come for you." I looked at him then at Demi as I was confused. " Stick with us until you guys need to go out. I don't like what he was hinting at."  Finn whispered in my ear as he stood next to me as I didn't say anything as I was trying to control my breathing. The guys got out of the ring first , holding a hand out for me but was quickly pushed out of the way by Demi who lifted me my waist and setting me down on the ground.  I wrapped my arm on her bicep as we walked back to our locker room so everyone can change. I started walking to mine as all of my clothes were there but I  was quickly met with a camera crew and montez. " Already separated from your group huh. Bold move on the Judgement day." I rolled my eyes as I went to push past him. " Hey i'm not trying to see you get hurt little lady, but its shocking to see papi leaving her prized possession all alone, Oh wait, that's Dom Dom.'" I smacked his face as I grabbed his shirt. " You keep my people out of your mouth especially my Papi's name . You hear me or I will put you in a death roll so fast you'll be crying."  He gulped as I let him go roughly pushing past him. I walked in seeing Demi on my couch in her ring gear as she saw the pissed off look on my face. "What happened?" I shut my door locking it as I made my way over to her, straddling her lap as I crashed my lips on hers roughly.  Her hands gripped my hips tightly , kissing me back just as rough while my hands pulled her hair. I was tired of hearing that Im a second choice and that I meant nothing to her. She pushed me back slightly as we were both panting, she trailed her eyes down my body as she sucked in a breath. " So much skin being shown. I thought I told you that no one will see you how I see you. Such brat." she whispered in my ear as he voice was husky and deep. " The things I want to do to you, how I want to punish you." I gasped hearing her talking like this, I tried closing my legs tighter against her which only caused her to chuckle deeply. " I bet you would look so good bent over that vanity as I fucked you from behind. "  I moaned at the thought of her fucking me in every way, how I wanted to scream her name. " Tell me , are you my girl. Huh are you Papis good girl."  She started kissing my neck , sucking on my sweet spot as I held her shoulder. " Yes .. Im.. yours. Fuck I .." I couldn't get the words out fast enough as she ran her hands under my jacket, scratching down my back.  " What do you want sweetheart." she whispered against my lips as I tried to kiss her, but she pulled away from me smiling at my frustration. " Come on use your words, I know that little mouth of yours isn't afraid to speak. What you did out in that ring was fucking hot, the way you naturally take the role of being a heel."  I whimpered as I couldn't sit still anymore , I was getting sexually frustrated by her, the way she was controlling the moment.  " I couldn't help it. Im sorry Papi." I leaned my forehead against hers as she rubbed my thighs , gipping them tightly as she pulled me even closer.  "Please Demi please" I begged her as her hands were dangerously close to where I wanted her. She hummed in satisfaction as she lifted me up from holding on to waist. " Sorry sweetheart, but you have to get changed, I need you ringside. Ill meet you in the gorilla, Also next time you act like a brat, Ill make sure your punishment is alot worse then squirming in my lap." She set me on my feet , kissing my cheek before walking out of my dressing room. I groaned as I went to change in my ring gear, but a knock on my door took my attention. I opened my door to see a hooded figure standing there as they hit me with a keto stick, I hunched over in pain as a steel chair was then slammed on my back. I tried to fight back but I was being attacked as i took a few good punches before I tasted blood in my mouth. I threw a punch back but they grabbed my suit jacket and slammed my head against the steel chair knocking me out cold.

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