You lost

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Krystal's POV
       I left Demi's last night after she made dinner, which who knew an Australian could make Italian so well.  We had team training today and I was already running late this morning because Monty didn't want to go out this morning and I was fighting with him. I pulled out my phone while rushing to my car telling the group I was on my way just running behind a few minutes. I pulled into the training center, only about 5 minutes late , running through the doors and saw Dom and Demi in the ring. "Hey I'm so sorry I was late this morning, Monty was just giving me a fight this morning." I looked at the guys, they waved their hands and laughed. "It's not a big deal, we just started anyways. Demi wants to give you some tips on the last man standing match since she's the only one that had one and it was with Raquel." Priest  looked down at me as I nodded back. "I don't know what to expect honestly, I've fought next to Raquel and I have been fighting her here and there but she's built different than me. My strength in all in my legs but my upper body is shit." I saw Dom land against the mat right in front of me as he was panting. "That's where you have Demi to help you." He rolled out as Demi rested herself against the rope looking down at all of us. "Exactly, If you think I would let you go out there alone you're funny. Raquel is a tough fight, she's going to use everything she can against you. Now she might now want to fight you or she might want to end the match as quickly as possible. The goal is to not let her get into the pretty little head of yours." She pointed her finger at her head as she smiled down at me. I rolled into the ring as Demi walked across the ring. "What is going to be your first move,charge or wait." I watched Demi as she paced back and forth. "Raquel is a striker, she's going to charge me first. So I either counter or." I saw Demi charge at me as I charged right back as we fought for the dominance, holding each other on our shoulders. I wrapped my arms round her neck as throwing myself between her open legs as she landing behind me. "That's new." She groaned softly, I grabbed her by her hair and neck, bringing her to her feet as I threw her the best I could but she was a heavier opponent. "Okay, don't do that CJ, You opened a door for her now." Finn coached as I saw Demi take the opportunity to grab me and hoist me in the suplex and throwing me backwards. I felt her hands grab my legs as she pulled them into her leg lock. I felt the pressure as she held me in the air. "Come on , counter it." She yelled at me as I thought about what I could do. I wrapped my arms around her legs and thrusting my hips, making her break the hold. I quickly moved away from her as I rolled out of the ring. "Last man standing, basically anything can go here. So what can you grab from here." Priest looked at me. "I could have Demi distract her while I grab a table or something." He smiled nodding his head as Demi rolled out of the ring. " Watch  yourself and what you leave open. She's going to try and grab you the best she can. She's a person that loves to pick up her opponents and slam them. You are more flexible and agile, use it against her and once she down then strike. Bring her down brick by brick." She rest against the mat as I nodded to her. "Ah, Carbon and Ripley. I was just about to call you both. Do you have a minute?" Triple H came over. We both nodded as we followed him to his office. "How are you two doing today?" We walked in as he sat behind his desk. "We're doing fine sir, how are you?" He smiled telling us he was great.
     "So, It's no brainer that you two have great chemistry with each other and the crowd loves seeing you two together, both in and out of the ring. Carbon I know you started a storyline with Priest but I think we want to squish it. We want you to start having a storyline together, something that you both are comfortable with of course. With royal rumble coming up, Rhea you obviously are going to be involved but Carbon you are in the rumble." I looked at him with wide eyes as I heard I was going to be in the Royal rumble. "We want to elevate you and your career right now. You have something that others don't have in the entertainment, so we are going to have you follow Demi. You're going to come out 1st and then be the last to finish with someone of your choosing to have the final match with." I was shocked , I couldn't believe they were giving me my first title run already. "Becky." Was the first name that came to my mind as I thought about people who I could choose. He looked surprised and so did Demi as I decided on one of the greatest wrestlers out there. "Okay then, Becky it is." He smiled as he wrote it down. "This information stays between the three of us, we have about 2 months before the royal rumble. I don't need you getting injured, especially on Monday. I'll make sure Raquel knows you are win at the end of the match. You both will have more screen time now leading up to the match so the fans can see the direction of Carbons future. Demi you have a match with jade as well on Monday, Carbon you'll be ringside." He crossed his hands , leaning forward slightly as I smiled excitedly at him. "Sounds like a plan sir." He dismissed us and we started walking back to the guys who were now messing around with a few people I don't know and a woman on the sidelines. "Oh hey Rhea!" The older gentleman looked over at her as she waved and the waved to the woman on the edge. " Hi, I'm edge and that's my wife Beth. It's so nice to finally meet you." I was shocked to see the great hall of famers standing right before me as I didn't recognize them at first. "I just can't believe I'm actually meeting you both right now." I was shocked as they laughed seeing my excitement. "y'all down for lunch together?" Dom asked as he crawled out of the ring as I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah I'm cool with it."
   Picking a restaurant that had something for Dom to eat was harder than everyone thinks, the man is a child honestly. I rode with Demi and Finn as we parked at this small dinner about 10 minutes away. I got out first and made my way into the restaurant, finding a table big enough for the all of us, we insisted Edge and his wife to come join us. I sat down in the corner as Demi sat next to me and Finn across from us. The other filed in one by one until we were all there. "Hey what's wrong, you seem upset." I leaned into Demi so only she could hear me, she's been acting strange ever since we left the truck. "You're lucky that I didn't grab you after you left my truck and punish you for touching your own door." She whispered in my ear as I felt her hand touch my thigh, sending shiver down my spine. She pulled away and returned back to conversation with everyone as I sat there squirming my legs shut thinking about what she just said. We haven't talked about getting back together but I've made it known that I still want to be with her and the overall tension between us is thicker than a snicker. "So ladies what did triple H want." Priest looked down to us as I looked at Demi. "Sorry Priest but Mamis always on top and she's taking Carbon from you." She laughed as he rolled his eyes and flicking her off. "We have a great run Cj." He looked at me holding his heart as he faked sobbed.  We all laughed as we enjoyed lunch, Beth gave me some really good advice for Monday and how to make the match sell. "I've watched you in your matches a lot , You like the ropes and to fly off of them. Use that to your advantage, get her in a weak spot and then fly off the ropes. Impacts like that breakdown powerhouses. I mean look at Rictohet he's one of the best flyers we got and he kills it." Beth looked over at me as I nodded, taking her advice.
    Demi drove us all back to our cars , I let her open my door for me and she followed me to my car. "Hey why don't I come over later and we can take the dogs out for a walk? I think it would be nice for them." She looked at me with a smirk on lips. "Is it just for the dogs or is it because  you want to be around me?" I leaned against my car as I caught her red handed. "Be at my house in an hour. Drive safe." I grabbed her hand , squeezing it before ai let it go and got in the driver seat. I made my way home as I pulled up and a Grey truck pulled in behind me. I watched as I saw Raquel step out of the truck and making her way to my car. "What Vic. What do you want." I looked at her while getting my things from my car. "Come on K. Let's talk about things. We had something going between us and I don't want to lose that. Please just let me apologize." She reached her hand out to me but I pushed it away. "Vic you need to leave . I don't want you here. I don't want to hear what you have to say. You did what you did, you got caught and now you're living with the consequences." I walked away from her and heading towards my front door as she tried to catch up. "Come on K. You're telling me that Demi is any better. She hurt you just as much , or maybe even more." I laughed, turning myself around as I looked at her. "The difference is Demi never asked someone to brutally beat me. You asked your girlfriend or whatever she is to you." I turned around again to unlock my door and walking in side as she pushed herself behind me. "It's not like that." She yelled , closing my door behind her, blocking it. "Vic i'm not having this conversation with you. I'm done , respect it and take your beating on monday when I see you. Now if you excuse me I have someone coming over here in 15 minutes so if you mind I'd like you to leave." I walked into the kitchen to fill out a water bottle for Monty and I, hearing her huff back at the door. I walked back up front as I saw Demi pull up but parking in front of my house. "Vic you need to leave. I'm done." I went to open my door but she refused. "No, I'm the better one here K. I know you better than anyone. I know what you like to eat , what you like to do on your days off, I bet I could fuck you better than she ever could." I saw the look on her face as stared at me. "Vic, i'm serious please go. I'm not going to fight with you about who can fuck me better." I heard a knock on my door and dogs barking as well, I reached over to open the door but she slammed her hand on it. "Vic lost okay there I fucking said it . You lost to the great Rhea fucking Ripley." I pushed her hand off my door and opening it for Demi who was nothing but livid. Barry and Luna ran in and went straight to where Monty was sitting at. Demi stormed in as she slammed my door causing me to jump at the action. "I thought I told you to stay the fuck away from her Raquel. Haven't fucking done enough." She stared Raquel down as I watched the two get face to face. "You don't get to make those decisions Demi. You aren't her girlfriend, You blew that out of the water." I saw the twitch on Demi's face as she said that to her. "I bet you couldn't even take care of her the way that she needs to be. She needs someone who is rough, dominant and strong, but all I see is a giant simp whenever you're around her." Raquel was taunting her , playing with her head as she saw it getting under Demi's skin. "Atleast I've always shown up when she's called." Demi spat back as Raquel looked at me then back at her. It was enough of this fighting, I ran over to them as I pushed them back, standing in the middle as I looked at the two. "Vic you don't fucking know one thing about me other than a friendship. So don't go out here and say what I need in a partner. You are done , leave , get out of my house."  She looked at me and then at Demi before she grabbed me roughly and crashed her lips against mine trying to assert her dominance over me. I pushed her off as I slapped her hard across the face, I saw Demi fuming as her muscles were tensed , her jaw locked and her eyes basically black.  "Get the fuck out of my house Vic." I pointed to the door as she opened it and stormed out. "Demi, I'm sorry that you had to deal with that, I tried to get her to leave but she didn't and I'm sorry." I didn't get to finish my sentence because I felt her lips on mine , kissing me hungrily. I melted into her, my hands immediately went around her neck pulling against her hair as her hands roamed my body. She pulled away, hearing her panting breath against my face as she held me tightly at the waist. "I'm sorry, but I just couldn't hold back anymore. I couldn't stand the thought of her lips touching what is mine." She whispered as I let my arms down from her neck and traveling across her shoulders and down her sides. "It was bound to happen sooner than later, we're like magnets trying to fight against the pull." I heard her laugh softly as she looked down at me as I bit my lip back at her. "Can I ?" I nodded my head as she gently pressed her lips back onto mine but softer. I arched my body against hers as she held tightly to my lower back while I played with her hair pulling it slightly. "Fuck this dog walk." I moaned into the kiss as I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulling it over her head as she did the same thing to me . Her hands roamed the new skin as she attached her lips to my neck as I dug my nails into her shoulders . She leaned down , her hand pulling on the back of my thighs , lifting me into her arms as she walked upstairs and to my bedroom. I kept my lips on hers the whole time as her tongue invaded my mouth as we danced together. "Demi." I moaned as she laid me on my bed , crawling over top of me. "What do you want Krystal." She whispered as she placed soft kisses all over my skin as I groaned at the feeling. I grabbed her face and pulled it up to me as I looked at her. Her lips slightly swollen from kissing and her breath was fast. "I want you to fuck me." I saw her eyes light up as she crashed her lips back onto mine as my hands wrapped around her neck. She slid her hand into my shorts, running her fingers through my soaked and extremely sensitive heat. I moaned loudly into her mouth as she rubbed slow and gently circles against my clit. "You are soaked for me sweetheart. Fuck, you look so pretty squirming under me." I arched against her as she's moaned her herself. "Please, Demi." I moaned once more as I felt her fingers thrusting into me. "You like that baby. You like it when I have my fingers in you like this." I nodded my head as I watched her, she stared at me as I crumbled underneath her once again. She pulled her fingers out as I whimpered at the lost friction.Crawling back in between my legs she hooked her fingers on my waistband and ripped off my shorts leaving me in just my sports bra. She thrusted her fingers back into me as she quickened up her pace and adding her tongue to the mix. "Oh god. Yes baby fuck just like that." I grabbed her head holding it close to me , feeling her tongue circling and sucking against my clit. I felt every muscle in me tightened as I curled my toes , grinding my hips against her tongue. She curled her fingers into me, making me scream in pure bliss. "I'm gonna cum. I can't hold." My orgasm crashed as she continued, shaking against her while she slowed her pace slightly allowing me to ride out my high before she pulled out. She laid next to me, wrapping her arm around my waist pulling me into her.  I felt her warm breath in my neck while she began to kiss it softly. "Demi." I groaned, her hand massaging my breast under my sports bra as she rubbed her thumb over my very sensitive pierced nipples. "Look at how I have you right now baby. Panting and moaning under my touch, so needy for it." I bit my lip, trying to hold myself together as her lips stayed attached to my neck. "please." I moaned softly as she chuckled darkly. "Whatever you want Sweetheart." laid on her side as her eyes looked at mine, I rolled my eyes as I felt her touch me again but pulling away. "Eyes on me , I wanna see how pretty you are when you moan." I looked back at her as her lips were slightly parted and her chest was breathing deeply. I bit my lip holding back a moan as she slowly thrusted her fingers into me. She added one more before picking up her pace , feeling how tight I was. "I can't wait to fuck you again with my cock love, To have you screaming as I fuck you from behind. Or better yet having your hands tied above  your head as I slowly thrust myself  in and out of you." I let out a deep moan hearing on how she wanted to fuck me, the way her cock felt the first time. "Have you riding me while I watch how pretty you sit on my lap. Hearing those perfect little moans escaping on each thrust. Begging me to go faster, to let you cum. Hearing how desperate you are for me as I wrap my hand around your throat." I crashed again as I screamed her name loudly as my body shook, cumming all over her hands. "Such a good girl for me." I smiled hearing her say that, but watching her suck her fingers was what made me groan at how divine she was. "You taste so sweet baby." She leaned down to kiss me as I could taste myself on her lips. I pushed her over as I crawled on top of her , kissing her neck as her hands gripped my waist tightly. Trailing my hands down to her shorts , I felt her hitch her breath and her body tense. "Hey, what's wrong?" I quickly stoped , seeing the panic on her face as she quickly looked away from me. "Ive never uh ." She quickly pulled me off of her as she sat up and sat on the edge. "Dems talk to me. There's nothing to be ashamed of." I touched her shoulder as she looked over at me. "I've never been." She tried to find her words but I understood what she was trying to say. I crawled into her lap and I straddled her, holding her face in my hands. "You've never had a woman please you , have you?" She held her face down, shaking her head . "Hey don't be embarrassed love. It's okay, I'm not going to judge you for that. We go at your pace, and if you aren't comfortable with it then we don't have to try it." I rubbed my thumbs on her cheek as she looked up at me. "I want to try it , I just don't know what to do." she pulled me closer as i smiled at her. "You don't have to do anything baby, you just let me do all the work and let yourself enjoy it." Kissing her forehead, I could feel herself relaxing as I gave her the reassurance she's been looking for.  I decided to try something and see how she would react. "Do you trust me?" I whispered as I could see the need in her eyes. "Yes." I kissed her slowly as she kissed me back , wrapping one around her, pulling her closer into me as my other hand trailed down to her chest. My fingers running across her hardened nipples as I heard her groaning into my mouth. Bringing both of my hands onto her shoulders I pushed her back against the mattress allowing her to keep her hands on my waist as i Remained kissing her softly. I ran my hands over her breast and under her sports bra, gently squeezing them in my hands as she broke the kiss letting out a soft moan. I watched her as I continued to massage her breast and rubbing my thumb over her nipples. "You like that baby?" I whispered close to her ear as I placed soft kisses against her skin. "Oh god yes." I smiled hearing her moaning under my touch. I pulled away one of my hands and trailed it down to her shorts, feeling her legs open for me. "Fuck." I moaned softly feeling how wet she was as I slowly and softly rubbed circles against her. "Relax baby. Let your self enjoy the pleasure." I kissed her neck softly as she let the soft moans escape, her hands tangling themselves in my hair as she pulled gently. I picked up my pace as I felt her legs starting to shake and her breathing picking up. "kiss me." I kissed her lips gently as I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip , allowing me to deepen the kiss as she moaned continuously into my mouth as she was close. Her hands gripped me tightly as she closed her legs and her body shaking. She moaned loudly into my face as I moaned back watching her enjoy her first orgasm. "You sounds so sexy moaning like that baby." I pulled my hand away as I brought it to my mouth as sucked on my fingers tasting her. I got off her and pulled her close you to me as she rested on my chest. "You okay?" She nodded her head, She her eyes closing while she fought the exhaustion. I pushed her off me gently as I pulled back the covers on my bed and allowing to roll under the as I pulled her back into me closely.  I closed my eyes , letting sleep take over me as I held Demi close.

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