Time with You

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Krystal's Pov
   I could still feel her hands on me as I was driving home , the way she switched from gentle to dominant, someone bring me a fan. If she does that in the ring, I don't know how I'm going to respond.  I pulled into my parents house as I could hear Monty barking in the window. I ran up the driveway and to the door as I called for him. "Hi my big guy , Oh did you miss me like I missed you huh." He whined as I was giving him all of my attention. "Mom , Dad. Are you home ?" I walked around the house as it was empty, hm strange they told me they'd be home. I grabbed Monty's leash as I walked out the door seeing him waiting by my car with his monkey in his mouth. "Alright big guy let's get you home.". I pulled out my phone texting my parents that I picked up Monty and locked the door behind me.
    I pulled into my driveway seeing that the landscapers came while I was gone and redid my whole yard. It looked amazing with the fresh mulch and flowers against the bright white house paint.  I opened my door and then letting Monty out while he ran around and I grabbed my bags. "Holy shit." was the first words out of my mouth as I saw the remodel entrance and kitchen as I walked in my front door. The light blue caught my eye as it went well with the light gray floors I had picked. I walked into my kitchen seeing the huge white marble countertop and the black bar stools as my cabinets were freshly painted light grey.  I walked upstairs to change and do my hair and make up before meeting up with Demi. I grabbed my jean shorts and my black tank top and my black converses as I quickly changed and started on my hair. 
   I was out the door and headed to Demi's house with in 30 minutes of being home. I felt myself getting excited as I was smiling to myself about seeing her as I haven't felt this way for a long time. Her house wasn't actually far from me as it was about a 15 minute drive. I pulled into her driveway as I parked next to her truck, texting her that I was here. Before I knew it she was standing at my door as she opened it for me. "Long time no see huh." I laughed as I got out of my car smiling at her. "You look absolutely gorgeous sweetheart." She looked at me once more before taking my hand in hers and leading me inside. "I have two dogs that are wild but they are super friendly and sweet." She opened the door as I stepped in behind her, turning my head to the sound of dog paws running against the floor. "So that's Barry, and the other one is Luna." I put my hand out as the both most likely smelled Monty on me but they let me pet them as Barry came and licked my face like a wild man. "Hello to you too Barry." I smiled as I gave him some attention before looking back at Demi who smiled softly. "I just need to change really fast , make yourself at home." I smiled returning my attention back to the dogs well I should say Luna as Barry went and followed Demi upstairs. I walked further into her house as I saw it was extremely updated and open concept. She had a huge sofa with a large TV in the living room, the kitchen was cleaned and had a breakfast bar. It was completely a Demi look. I sat on the couch as Luna came and cuddled up next to me as I gave her my attention. "Alright sweetheart, you ready?" Demi walked into the room as she wore black jeans , a dark red shirt and her Doc martens. "Yeah, whenever you are." I went to get up from the couch but was pushed back down as Barry jumped on me sitting in my lap. "Well plans changed I guess haha." I kissed his nose to receive one back. "Barry off, come on babe." I smiled , and definitely blushed when I heard her say babe. I hurried my way to the door as she held it open for me and locked it behind her.
   "So do you have an Idea on what you want for a suit wise?" She asked me as I hoped into her truck , she closed the door behind me, jumping in herself.  "Well I was thinking more of a corset type of suit. While the suit I've seen you wear is more masculine , I was thinking something more like this." I showed her the pic on my phone as it earned me a hard side eye and a deep breath from her. "Mhm, I like it but it's going to be hard for me to focus while in the ring especially since we don't know where our story line is going." I laughed, relaxing back into the seat while she pulled out of her driveway. "Will I be doing all black like you guys or will I have purple too?"  She tilted her head thinking. "I think it depends on what you want . This is your official Judgment day business suit."   I nodded my head as I looked back at my phone looking for more references.
    Demi pulled into a shopping plaza as I never off been on this side of town before. "This is where we get a lot of our gear from, they are good people and they do good work." She turned off her truck. She opened my door , helping me out as I jumped down. "Not used to getting out of a truck, my mustang is so low to the ground." She smiled as walked me into the store. "We'll get used to it now." I nudged her  as middle aged women came up to us. "Welcome back beautiful. What can we do for you today." Demi smiled at her warmly as she pointed over to me. "Newest addition, looking for a custom suit for her and some gear. If it can be done by Friday, I'll cover whatever additional cost it is." The lady clapped her hands as she looked at me. "Well then let's get started shall we." I smiled as she dragged me to the back as Demi stayed there. "Have so much fun." I rolled my eyes as I waved back to her.  "Okay so, what are we thinking? Something like hers or are we wanting something more feminine or what?" I pulled out my phone, showing her a picture of what I was wanting and then whispering something I wanted to surprise Demi with on the first night since I would be walking alone. I saw the smirk on her face grow as she drew up the details and began designing my new ring gear and suit for me. After about 30 minutes, she passed me her tablet as she had my suit and gear drawn. "I absolutely love it, and I think she'll love it too." She clapped her hands as we walked back up to the front. "It will be ready by Friday, I'll just charge everything to the WWE account." She handed me a slip before walking away leaving me and Demi to ourselves. "Soooo are you going to share with me what you picked out." I looked up at her as I smiled. "You're going to have to wait and see it on Raw."  She gave me a look as I began to walk out of the store and towards her truck as she met me at the door. "You hungry?" I shook my head as she smiled. "Okay I know a place." She shuts my door , making her way over to her side and starting up her truck. "And this place is?" I watched as she backed up and started heading to the restaurant. "My favorite sushi spot." I nodded sitting back in the seat as I relaxed. "You tired sweetheart." I smiled hearing her call me that as I turned my head to her. "Yeah, traveling and everything. Plus it's late in the day too, I would be curled up on my couch watching a movie with Monty." I smiled as I watched her drive, one hand in the wheel and the other on her thigh. "Well why don't we do this, We can get this to go. Swing by your house , grab Monty and take him back to mine and you can show me your favorite movie on my couch." She looked over as she reached her hand , tucking the strand of hair behind my ear. "No it's okay, I don't want to impose on you and with Monty." She laughed before turning down a street. "You're not, I offered." I sighed as I knew I wasn't going to win. "Okay then we can do that." I saw the excitement on her face as I agreed to it.
    We ordered our take out as I got two rolls and she got some type of sushi plate. I went to pay for us but she quickly took my card and shoved it in her shirt. I arched my brow seeing the slight smirk on her face. "You're not paying and you won't reach in my shirt to grab your card." I licked my lips as I got real close to her. "There's a lot of things that you wouldn't expect me to do, I'm not as innocent as I look Papi." I knew it would get under her skin but the reaction I got was something that made me instantly hot. She grabbed me by the throat as she leaned down to my ear. "Don't try me sweetheart. Innocent or not I'll remind you who's in control." She let go of my throat gently before kissing my check. I was dazed at what happened , I never thought someone so gentle could make me think of so many unholy thoughts. 
    We pulled up to my house as I saw Monty barking at my window. I laughed seeing how excited he was to see me. "A golden retriever huh."I nodded as I ran up to my door, unlocking it quickly as Monty ran right past me and straight to Demi demanding her love and affection. "Oh my goodness look how big you are and so fluffy. Such a good boy huh." I pulled my phone out as I took a video of them playing together as it was wholesome to me, especially the smile Demi gave me at the end. "You wanna go on a road trip buddy." He jumped up as he ran inside as I knew what he was wanting to grab, to him running back out to Demi with his favorite toy in his mouth. "Okay that is the most precious thing I have ever seen. He brought his favorite toy." I nodded as I walked inside grabbing his harness and leash as I felt two hands on my waist. "So this is your home huh." I turned around, still in her arms as she walked me back against a wall. "Yeah, this is mine, it's currently under renovation." I managed to get out as she pressed herself against me as I could feel my heart racing in my chest. She let one of her hands off my waist as I watched her reach into her shirt, pulling out my card. "You might need this." She kissed my cheek as she put my card in my back pocket before stepping away from me. "Come on monty let's get in the truck." She called out as I stayed on the wall trying to get my breathing under control from her. "You coming babe!" She yelled out to me as I couldn't contain the smile anymore. I walked out the door as I locked it behind me as I ran towards her as she held her arms out for me . I jumped into her arms as she spun me around as we both were laughing. I looked into her eyes and saw them brightly staring back at me. I captured her lips on mine as I softly kissed her. She set me down on my feet , opening my door for me as Monty rested her head on her center console. 
   We arrived to her house as she parked next to my car. I hopped out , grabbing Monty from the back and putting his harness and leash on while Demi went inside and grabbed her dogs. I let monty sniff around her front lawn as he held his monkey in his mouth when Demi came back out with Barry.  The two dogs looked at each other but Monty laid down as he waiting for Barry to come up to him. I watched nervously as I never really introduced him to other dogs but on walks he is always good. I released him off his lead and Demi did the same as they chased each others I let out a sigh of relief as did Demi. "He's friendly but I never really brought him around other dogs , I was always so scared to have him get hurt. He's my soul dog and I'd loose myself if I ever lost him." I watched as the two dogs ran around us as Monty chased him. "That's how I feel about my two dogs. When i moved away from Australia, they became my everything." I looked at her as she watched Barry running. "You miss it, don't you." She nodded her head slowly as she turned her head. "When do you get to go home again." She let out a sigh as she called for Barry and Monty. " I don't know, Whenever I have time off." Monty came running back as he sat by my feet waiting me as Barry ran straight to the door. "Come on monty." I walked with Demi up to the front door as the two dogs both walked in, Luna watching as she sniffed monty.  "Here sweetheart. Do you want a water?" I grabbed my box and she handed me a water as she made her way to the couch and the dogs jumped on well Monty laid on the floor as I don't let him on the couch when I have food. "He's allowed on the couch, he doesn't has to lay there." I shook my head as I looked at her.  "No he's  trained to stay off the couch while I'm eating or drinking something that's not closed. So it prevents begging." She said oh as she looked over to Barry who was right next to her. "Not this guy, I tried that and he wasn't having it so I eventually gave up. But what movie do you want to watch?" I shrugged my shoulders as I shoved another piece of sushi in my mouth. "Alright then, how about ummmm Abduction?" I looked up at the Tv seeing what the movie is about and agreed to it.

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