Date Night

746 23 3

Krystal's POV
Rhea was quick to get us to the airport and even quicker to get us home. "Babe why are you in such a rush, We have all week with each other." I looked at her as she was dragging me up her driveway and shoving me through the door. She didn't say anything but she quickly dropped all of our bags, picking me up in her arms and carrying me to her room. I laughed as she threw me on the bed , her crawling her way up to me, laying her head on my chest and mrs wrapped around me. "I wanted this, more like craving it all weekend." I rubbed her back, feeling her body fully melt into me. "What?" I looked at the big bad wrestler turn into mush as I continued giving her attention, like she's never been given it before. "Peace." She let out a deep breath while my hands now combed through her hair. I didn't say anything in response but I made a mental note to talk about this later with her.

We laid there for what felt like hours, laying there in complete silence with one another. I thought about everything, from the very beginning with Rhea to now. I smiled seeing how much we've grown and how much we both put into each other. I knew that I needed to let my walls down with her and not be scared of anything with her. She's not Ben nor will she ever treat me like he did, I still can't believe I didn't cower when I saw him at the cook out. I had her there, my safety net. I looked down at her , her arms wrapped tightly around my chest, her breathing steadily. I smiled, feeling my heart beating faster at the moment we shared right now. "My love." I shook her gently waking her up as she rested her chin on my chest."Let's get actually into your bed okay, come on. I'll hold you all night." She smiled softly at this , moving her way up to the headboard, but not before she stripped all of her clothes off, leaving me speechless every time. She laughed softly, crawling her way into bed , kissing me deeply but softly. I smiled into the kiss just as I pulled away , but pulling her into me instead.

    I felt Demi moving against me, waking me up slightly. I pulled my arms away from Demi, and lying in my back, hearing foot steps against the hardwood floor. I must of fallen back asleep because I was jolted awake by three dogs jumping on the bed. "Guys No, shit Im sorry sweetheart. They came running upstairs faster than I could call for them ." I laughed as Monty laid right on me and Barry laid next to me. "Hey guys, hi big guy. I missed you." I kissed Monty's nose before looking over to Demi who was standing in the door way watching. "What are we doing today?" I watched this devilish smile grow on her face, making her way over to the bed. "That's for me to know and for you to relax and let me show you how much you mean to me. Plus this gives me a good reason to spoil you." She pushed a small piece of hair out of my face while I melted into her touch. "Fine, you win." I reached over to grab my phone seeing another message from them. "That will be me shortly, in your arms. Soon "Sweetheart" Can't wait." I tried to hide my reaction but Demi quickly saw my face turn white. "Hey what's wrong, it looks like you've seen a ghost. Baby are you okay." I tried to get out of bed but Demi and the dogs trapped me, my chest was getting tighter and tighter and my breathing turned ragged. "Sweetheart, hey, hey you're okay . It's me here. baby I need you to look at me." I flicked my eyes up to hers and I watched as she calmed me down. "You okay?" She rubbed her hands up and down my arms, I tried swallowing the lump in my throat. "Yeah , I just panicked for a second I'm sorry." I looked away from her but only to feel her fingers pulling my face back towards her. "Talk to me , what's going on?"

I didn't want to get into my past but I knew I needed to. I pushed Monty off of me, sitting myself up on the bed while she waited patiently. "Do you remember Ben? My Ex boyfriend from the cook out?" She nodded her head but rolling her eyes at the same time. "What about him?" Here voice was monotone, and her face held zero emotion. "Well last night I got a text from him and I just got one again. I never told you about my past and here you are telling me all about yours because of me." I played with my hands while I shifted in my spot growing uncomfortable from the thought of my past coming up. She immediately reached for my hands holding my hands in hers, rubbing her thumbs over my knuckles. "Ben was someone that everyone loved seeing me with but I was absolutely miserable with. He wasn't a good person nor a good boyfriend. Ben was a guy that thought me being Bisexual was attractive because it meant that he could bring home other women and have threesomes. I never wanted them, I never wanted to be involved. Ben forced me, threatened me too." I let out a shaky breath, looking up at the ceiling trying to blink away the tears forming in my eyes. "Hey, it's okay sweetheart, we don't have to get into it." She softly said while squeezing my hands. " No, you deserve to know my past Dems, You should know why I am the way I am." She nodded softly, letting me continue at my own pace. "Ben would compare me to the women he'd bring home , tell me that they are hotter than, better looking, better in bed. He would make me feel so incredibly insecure about myself. I spent 3 long and miserable years with him because I was so scared to leave him, because of the things he'd say to me , how he'd threaten me, my family, people I cared about." Monty placed his head on my lap, seeing that I was getting upset. "Krystal, is that why you flinched when jazz raised her fist in our hotel room." I watched her eyes fall into somber ones while I slowly nodded my head. "Ben was abusive majority of the time." she reached her hand up , wiping away the tears falling off my face. "That's why I act the way I do when Jazz comes around. She comes after my head and my insecurities. She comes at the one thing that I'm terrified of losing." I looked back at Demi, whose eyes were staring back at mine. "What are you scared of losing?" She asked me while her face was confused. "You." Was all I said as she pulled me into her lap. "Sweetheart, you're never going to lose me. I'm here till the very end of time with you. Jazz can try and ruin us but I'm not going to let her. If Ben has the balls to show his face around me , I will personally destroy him myself. Baby, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Thank you for telling me this, I really appreciate you opening up to me sweetheart." I pulled her lips towards mine, kissing her softly while her hands caressed my hips. "Just don't give up on me and my broken self."I whispered against her lips which caused me to pull away. "My love listen, you are not broken, you went through some shit that was harmful. You are the most stunning,smart , intelligent, dominant and strongest woman I've ever met. I want you and only you in this lifetime, no one else." I smiled while I stared at her, seeing her smile slowly creeping up.

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