Picking You

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Krystal's Pov
    Raquel was being super nice to me since we landed and I wasn't going to question it since it was nice to see this side of her again. We made it the arena in chicago as she wanted to help me get ready for tonight because she wanted to talk to me about something. "So what did you want to talk to me about." I pulled out my gear as I laid it on the chair next to me, digging back into my suitcase to find my black boots to match. "K , I'm sorry for how I've been acting for the past few weeks. I know I told you that I had feelings for you and I've kissed you and it probably wasn't the smartest decision on my end, but K I'm trying here. I want you, I want to figure us out. I know you have something for Demi, I'm not blind. But here I am shooting my shot with you." She walked up to me as her hand cupped my face and I'm not going to lie this soft and gentle side of her, it's attractive. I looked into her brown eyes as they showed no sign of truth. I wrapped my hand around her wrist as I looked at her , trying to figure out what I wanted to say. "Vic , I don't know. I need to figure out what I want and what my heart wants." She nodded her head slightly as she looked at my lips and then at my eyes. This time I pulled her into me as I kissed her , maybe if I started it maybe I would feel something. She instantly kissed me back as her hands cupped my face softly but her lips kissed me roughly. I wrapped my hands around her neck, pressing myself against her as she dropped her hands from my face to my thighs as she lifted me up carrying me over to the couch. " Vic." I pulled back as she sat down, my legs on either side of her. I felt nothing, the emotions weren't there, the spark or the passion. "I'm not rushing you, but you are my girl and I'm going to fight for you no matter what." She kissed me once more before she let me get up as I changed into my gear. I looked in the mirror in the locker room as I needed to make my decision about who I was joining and Raquel doing this threw a bigger curve ball in the playing field. She's everything that I look for in a woman and in a partner but her jealousy and anger is just overwhelming. My thoughts went to Demi, as she's also what I look for in a person, and a partner. She's patient, sweet, kind and her jealousy is attractive as she shows it towards me not towards others. I'd beg her to bend me over . I quickly realized where my thoughts where going as I had to go out to the ring shortly. "K, I'm going to get ready. I'll meet you at the gorilla is that okay." I walked back out as I saw the anger in Raquel's face as she looked at my gear. "Yeah that's fine I'll meet you there." She let out a deep breath before turning her foot and walking away. Great , just when I thought things were changing for the better. I sat down, pulling out my eye shadow and began to do my normal routine, when I heard the husky voice that sends chills down my spine. "Sweetheart, It's your Papi." I rolled my eyes as I opened the door to see Rhea and the whole crew with her plus two cameras. "Last I checked Ripley, I haven't said or announced that you were my Papi. How bold of you to assume so." I crossed my arms as she licked her lips eyeing me in my gear. "Purple and Black. Judgement Day colors I see. Shall we be seeing you in our locker room tonight?" I scoffed as Rhea got right in my face. I watched the anger oozing from her as I continued to challenge her. I looked at her eyes as they were almost black , her jaw clenched and her emotions turned off. "I'm losing my patience with you. I've attacked your Mami once before and her little minion, who's to say you're not next." Her voice laced with venom as I stood there cracking as my fears came very real as she threatened to come after me. "Just like I thought, you're a bold faced Liar Rhea Ripley." I pushed her out of my way as I made my way to the Gorilla with Rhea in tow. "Come on Jade , Come home with Papi. Look we're your new family. I know you want to join us jade. All your friends are doing including your Mami, are just holding you back. Papi will make you a champion. Look at my Latino Heat , My man, he's the NXT North American champion." I stopped as I marched right to her face as I was pissed now. She was breathing deeply as I traced my fingers slightly on her abdomen as she wore her button down shirt open. "Here's the thing Ripley. Carbon Jade doesn't come second to anyone. I'm the apple of Mamis eye, her pride and joy and the one that has all of her attention. Tell me, can you offer me that when your "Latino Heat" is your papi , Your man." she knew what I was getting at as I was referring to our last conversation we had about being 100%. I watched as she looked down at the ground. "CJ, You don't have to worry, I don't mind sharing Mami with you." Dom came up as he was drinking yet again another juice box, I tried to stay in character but i smirked seeing him with it. "Sorry Dom Dom, but Carbon Jade doesn't like to share what's hers." I watched Demi's eyes go wide for a second as Priest and Finn both cracked smiles. "Jade what's ." It was Raquel as she came up from behind. "I thought I told you stay back Ripley." I grabbed ahold of Raquel as she went to get into Rheas face. "I'm here to talk to her that's all." She looked at me as I clung harder to Raquel for show. It pissed her off as she tried to reach out for me. "I'll see you in the ring tonight Ripley." She wrapped her arm around me as she turned up away. "Oh did I mention it was a tag teamed match. Oops I didn't, have fun finding a partner." She laughed as we walked away from them and into the gorilla. As Chelsea made her entrance first, as the crowd was loud tonight. "Hey just go out there and have fun tonight okay." She looked down at me as she held tight to her side for a moment. I was so deep in thought as I didn't even hear my own entrance music until Raquel pulled me towards the curtain. I walked down the ramp as I high five a few fans as I looked into the ring and saw Chelsea standing there with that smug and spoiled look on her face. I rolled under the bottom rope as I walked over to the corner as Raquel stood ring side. The bell went off as I lunged at Chelsea causing her to jump in shock as I laughed. "What you scared Chelsea. I thought you were the best." I twirled my finger around my hair as she got pissed lunging at me as I stepped to the side watching as she flung her body against the ring post. "Oops." I laughed as I grabbed her by her waist throwing her into my northern light suplex as I looked over to Raquel who was looking at me pissed. She kicked out as I rolled out of the ring, walking up to Raquel. "What, what I do." she shook her head as I saw chelsea jumping out of the ring as I pushed Raquel taking the hit for her. "Carbon Jade saving Mami. But Mami doesn't look to happy with it." I grabbed chelsea by the hair as I punched her a few times before rolling her back into the ring following before Raquel grabbed my wrist. "You're a baby face, a clean match. You're not here to brutalize her. Hold back from that aggression." She distracted me from watching chelsea as she kicked my stomach hard as I groaned in pain. "You're okay, hold back from that anger." I bit my lip hearing her telling me that, Demi was right. I was grabbed by my belt and hair as Chelsea delivered a nasty german suplex on me as I held my shoulder. She did it once more as I was growing tired. I got up as I ran for her but she clotheslined me , landing on the mat hard. "1, 2, 3...." I laid there in disbelief as she beat me , I lost and It was because of her. I rolled out of the ring as Raquel came next to me. "It's okay K you'll get her next time. Baby face looks good on you." She smiled at me as I looked at her in disbelief. I rolled my eyes as I walked away throwing my arms up as she chased behind me. "What? what did I do?" I stopped as we were standing in the middle of the ramp. I turned around pointing to the ring. "You told me to hold back, you got in my head. I lost because of YOU." She looked at me like I had two heads. "You can't go out there and destroy every opponent you have. You need to learn your place here sweetheart." I cringed as she said that , only Demi can call me that. "Learn my place , are you serious right now." I threw my hands up again as I looked over to the entrance music that hit. There she stood with open arms walking her way towards me, Raquel pushing me behind her. I watched the two women have another stand off but I was honestly over it. " I fucking over you two." I shoulder checked them both as I pushed past them and heading to the back as they didn't dare to follow. I made it to my locker room slamming the door shut and locking it as I sat on the couch thinking about everything. The times Demi have been ring side , I've won. I was feared , ruthless and I enjoyed it, I enjoyed pleasing her , showing her how great of wrestler I am. With Raquel, I felt defeated, hindered. I lost with her ring side because she was too worried about image and how I should be acting. I rubbed my neck as I took the kick for Raquel. "K" I ignored Raquel as I just wanted to be alone right now with my thoughts as I needed to figure it the fuck out.

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