6 {Return Of The Jedi}

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Alright Ezra stand over there and close your eye's

She nodded and walked over and stood near the edge and held the Lightsaber out with her eye's closed. 

Kanan: Alright Chopper, let her have it

Zeb laughed as he placed a milk carton in Choppers metal hands and his top spun around and flung the carton at her. She missed and he started flinging more and she missed most of them. 

Kanan: No, you're not focusing


Kanan: *Sigh*

Y/N: Okay stop

Chopper ended up flinging one more at Ezra which hit her right in the face, i snorted but thankfully she didn't hear. I walked over and took the Lightsaber from her. 

Y/N: Okay Ezra stand over there and watch okay, i'm gonna do it and i want you to watch what i'm doing okay?

Ezra: Okay

She stood next to Kanan and i held the lightsaber out but quickly changed the blade length back to it's full length. I gave them Lightsaber a couple twirls before closing my eye's and getting in an Ataru stance. 

Kanan: Alright, go!

Ezra watched as Chopper started flinging the empty milk cartons at Y/N, and to her surprise he skillfully cut each one of them down. Her eye's gained a look of amazement as she watched Y/N cut down a carton before leaping into the air and doing a flip. He landed with his back to them and he skillfully cut down a carton behind him before twirling the saber and spinning around. Each moved filled with elegance and a sense of purpose like his master.  She then watched as Zeb took the whole crate and dumped it onto Chopper who then started flinging them rapidly. Ezra got worried for Y/n seeing as he was right on the edge but he surprised her by doing a side flip in the air avoiding a couple cartons before landing and twirling the saber cutting down any carton that came at him. 



I deactivated the saber and did a small bow and smirked slightly as i heard Ezra clapping. 

Y/N: Thank you thank you

I then walked over and stood infront of Ezra. 

Y/N: Were you watching?

Ezra: Yes! That was amazing, the way you just cut them all down it was awesome!

Y/N: I'm glad you thought so, and now it's your turn <Holds out Lightsaber> You got this Ezra

I say winking at her, she blushes and takes the Saber and stands in my previous spot. 

Y/N: And remember, close your eye's, steady your breathing, and focus 

Ezra: I'll do my best

She ignites the Lightsaber and changes the blade size and get's into a stance. She then closes her eye's. Once she does Zeb hands Chopper a milk carton from a different crate. One by one she actually cuts them all down, Chopper increases his speed and while some cartons still hit her she still cuts down a good amount. Kanan and i share a look and he actually has a proud smirk on his face....however. 

Zeb: There you go kid, use your body to block the trash

Zeb says laughing, and i could tell this affected Ezra as her face scrunched slightly and she started getting hit by more and more cartons. Soon Chopper increased his pace and Ezra started to panic and just started swinging around rapidly. And i watched as the final carton hit her and knocked her off the ship. 

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