6 {Return Of The Jedi}

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So about a week has passed and since then Ezra's been practicing on using the force by lifting small objects such as cups, bowls, Chopper and other things. Also in that same week Ezra and Zeb got into it and Hera had sent them off on a supply run with the impossible task of getting a Meiloorun fruit of course Hera didn't tell them that Meiloorun didn't grow on Lothal but to my and everyone else's surprise they actually found one. Oh, they also stole a TIE Fighter as well which was pretty impressive, of course Kanan wanted them to destroy it and they did. Well actually they didn't cause some time after they told me and Sabine that they stashed it somewhere, hell Sabine even painted it. 

Anyway right now we're currently hovering very high in the air right now. And right now Ezra was currently doing a handstand on top of the roof turret of the Ghost. 

Kanan: Focus, focus on letting go

Ezra: Uh, i'd rather hold on if you don't mind

Y/N: That's not what he mean't Ezra. Just keep your eye's closed, relax your breathing and just "let go" mentally speaking

Ezra: I'm trying

Kanan: Do or do not. There is no try

Ezra: What they hell does that even mean? How can i do something if i don't try?

Kanan was about to speak but stopped and we shared a look. 

Kanan: Uh....actually that one always confused my too

Y/N: It makes no sense but it's something Master Yoda used to say, alot

Zeb: *Yawning* Man, i really thought this Jedi stuff would be more interesting, no wonder the old religion died. Come on Ezra amuse me, use the force

Zeb says grabbing the barrels of the turret and moving it side to side causing Ezra to lose her balance and fall into a crate of empty milk cups. I sighed and walked over and helped her out. 

Ezra: Does he have to be here?

Kanan: As annoying as he is there'll always be distractions 

Y/N: Which is why you need to do your best to focus through them, to see past them. If you can do that you'll be unstoppable

Kanan: Hey, why don't we try something different

Kanan walks over and takes his Lightsaber and connects the switch and emitter to the main body. He then holds it out infront of Ezra. 

Ezra: When do i get my own?

Y/N: Having a Lightsaber doesn't make you a Jedi Ezra

Ezra: No, but it get's me a step closer

She then hits the button and the Azure blade shoots from the emitter nearly piercing through Kanan in the process. 

Kanan: Whoa, careful

I make my way behind Ezra and wrap my arms around her and place my hands on hers. 

Y/N: Make sure you have a tight grip on it okay, it's important that so you don't drop it while in combat

Ezra: O-Okay

I could tell Ezra was blushing and i leaned it alittle more. 

Y/N: See this button right here?

Ezra: Yeah

Y/N: It allows you to adjust the blade to your height

She turns the switch and the blade shrinks down by two feet. 

Zeb: I think it should be alittle bit shorter 

Zeb says while laughing along with Chopper. I admit it was alittle funny but i didn't wanna upset the girl holding the Lightsaber. 

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