Chapter 25 - Revelations

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"Wanda? Wanda!"

The door swung open with a bang. Monica knew she needed Wanda if she wanted to fix this mess. The redhead was the key to it all, something that had been proven after the Hex had expanded.

Wanda gulped down the painkillers and set the water glass down on the counter. "What are you doing?" To see Monica again was a shock, to say the least. "How did you get in here?"

"Wanda... Listen to me. This whole thing. It's not only about Keira, it's about Vision as well." Monica tried to explain everything they had found out since gaining access to Hayward's files but it was a tad difficult to catch her breath after having sprinted through half the town.

But Wanda wasn't in the mood to listen. "Get out of my house!" Things were already falling apart as it was, she didn't need any more trouble caused by some intruder who wasn't welcome.

"Hayward wants to exploit Keira's powers while bringing Vision-"

"Don't talk to me about that! I don't wanna hear about it." Wanda snarled and the red psionic energy danced around her fingers as she pushed Monica out of her house without even touching her. The fury danced in her veins like wildfire and it wouldn't take long until it burned down the world around her. "The drones? The missiles? Pietro?!"

Monica flailed helplessly in the air, trapped by Wanda's powers.

All around them, people watched the scene unfold. Dottie glanced up from her yellow roses and the postman stopped in his tracks. Some, who were even further away, closed in to see the show better.

But Monica refused to give up. She had felt Wanda's suffering. She knew what she was feeling. And if she could just get her to see sense, they could resolve the conflict peacefully. "No, wait. Pietro? No, no, no. That wasn't us."

"All you do is lie!" If it weren't for her rage, perhaps Wanda could've listened. But not now. Instead, she brought her hand down to slam Monica down against the pavement.

But when the impact came, Monica's bones didn't break.

No, her body absorbed the power and she got back up on her feet. Her eyes glowed blue for just a moment but even after this act of violence, Monica didn't let Wanda scare her.

It was obvious that Wanda was taken aback for her lips parted slightly in shock.

"The only lies I've told, are the ones you put in my mouth." Monica said cooly and stepped closer to Wanda.

But the redhead didn't appreciate her tone.

Again, the red energy flowed from her palms and twirled around her fingers. Wanda didn't do anything more but the display worked wonders as a subtle threat. "Careful what you say to me."

This time, Monica heeded the warning and came to a halt. But having felt the redhead's pain, she knew Wanda wasn't purely evil, even if she might believe so herself at the moment. So, Monica decided to challenge her. "Do it then. Take me out."

Wanda's jaw clenched and she raised her right hand slightly but other than that, she didn't do anything else.

"See? See?"

The fact that Wanda didn't make a move proved Monica's point.

Which was exactly why she dared to move closer to the redhead. "That's where you and Hayward differ. He's gonna burn Westview to the ground just to get what he wants. Don't let him make you the villain."

"Maybe I already am."

After all, what type of hero would hold a whole town hostage, even if it had been a mistake from the beginning?

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