Chapter 7 - Fix It

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Keira's head lolled to the side as she almost fell asleep on the spot.

With a slight jerk, she was brought back to the living world and in an attempt to cover up her drowsiness, she swiftly reached over for the cake dish.

Whatever it was that the committee were discussing, it was nothing of interest to her. And therefore, it was incredibly difficult for her to stay focused.

After having picked off nearly half the cookies from the plate, she offered it to the person next to her which just happened to be Wanda. Although her wife was far too busy with copying Dottie's every move, something that made Keira giggle behind her hand.

So instead, she offered the plate to her neighbor on the left. Agnes.

But the raven-haired woman just simply passed it along to the other ladies, having no interest in it herself.

Keira kept stuffing her mouth with the cookies to try and keep herself awake, although every once in a while, Wanda would place her hand on her knee, thereby making her leg stop bouncing, even if the stillness barely lasted thirty seconds.

Staying still was not one of Keira's strengths.

"-And if you recognize the antique footlights, it's because they're from my store." Beverly finished off proudly.

At that moment, Keira almost felt like getting up from her chair to give the woman a hug. Even if she herself wasn't very involved in everything that went into the whole talent show, it was clear that Beverly was pouring her heart into it.

And that was something Keira admired.

But of course, Beverly's pride had to be crushed.

"And the chairs?" Dottie asked, casually stirring her drink.

Beverly's face fell and the shift in her body language was instant. Although it was clear that she tried to keep her best face on. "I'm sorry, Dottie. I didn't ask about the chairs."

"So you better not ask me if you can chair any committees in the future." Dottie retorted with a little chuckle which earned some laughter from her posse.

But Keira saw no humor in belittling Beverly's efforts and merely glared at Dottie. If there was one thing she didn't like, it was bullies. A role that Dottie was playing to perfection at the moment.

Luckily enough, neither Wanda nor Agnes laughed at the supposed joke either. At least there was some hope left for humanity.

"The devil's in the details, Bev." Dottie continued as she rose from her chair.

"That's not the only place he is."

Keira nearly choked on a cookie at Agnes' remark, and she fought for her life to swallow down the crumbs without coughing too loudly. In the end though, Wanda ended up giving her a thump on the back. "Thank you..." The mutant croaked weakly and gratefully accepted a glass from Agnes.

"As you all know, the talent show is the sole fundraiser for Westview Elementary." Dottie continued her monologue and Keira immediately felt her attention slipping away again.

Thankfully, Agnes seemed to have the solution. "This might help."

"In the eight years since I founded our little club, this event has gotten bigger and bigger..." While Dottie droned on, Agnes generously poured some of the liquor into Keira and Beverly's glasses.

"Oh, you're a lifesaver, Agnes." Keira admitted quietly with a content sigh.

"Gotta be good for something!" The woman chuckled and shook her head in amusement before taking a big gulp of the alcohol herself.

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