Chapter 16 - Surprise, Surprise

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"Who are you?" Wanda's question echoed around the room and while the boys were resting in their cot, the atmosphere was far from friendly.

Influenced by his owner, a deep growl vibrated in Nikato's throat, his amber eyes glued on Geraldine, who no longer was welcome in their home. But he didn't advance or show any teeth but rather stayed by the twins' side.

Geraldine's mouth opened and closed like a fish on dry land, trying to form an explanation. "I don't..." She was at a loss for words, her mind suspiciously blank when it came to answering the accusations thrown at her.

It was almost as if the mention of Pietro had momentarily jolted her memory, only to vanish when she needed it the most.

The fierce look on Wanda's face scared her enough to try and escape the situation she had landed in, which led her to try and back away. Unfortunately, it didn't get her very far as her back made contact with the fireplace mantel.

"Who are you?" Wanda repeated her question, her voice shaking from suppressed rage.

It had been a long time since she had felt this betrayed. Geraldine had helped her to deliver her babies, and now, it turned out that she was nothing more than a fake? Someone simply sent to infiltrate Westview?

Geraldine simply blinked, frantically trying to come up with any words that might defuse the dangerous situation that rose like a tsunami in front of her. "Wanda, I'm just your neighbor."

"Then how did you know about Ultron?"

When Geraldine failed to come up with an answer, Wanda slowly lifted her hands, the red energy twisting around her fingers like venomous snakes. "You're not my neighbor. And you're definitely not my friend." Her voice was barely louder than a furious whisper as she tried to keep a calm head. "You are a stranger and an outsider. And right now, you're trespassing here. And I want you to leave."

And with those words, Wanda let the psionic energy twirling around her hands connect, and Geraldine was flung backwards through the walls of her house and out of sight of view.

As Wanda's eyes fell on the hole left behind in the wall, the red energy faded away.

The realization and shock ran through her body like lightning.

What had she done? This wasn't like her.

She looked down at her hands in horror and a terrified gulp left her mouth before she let her powers come to life once again, this time to close up the hole in front of her, neatly stacking the books back into place.

It looked like normal again, and nobody would be able to ever guess that someone had been sent flying through the wall.

The babies' gentle cooing brought Wanda back to reality and she pushed the whole Geraldine situation to the back of her mind. As she turned around, Kato's eyes met her.

The Kangal no longer growled, nor held any inclinations of aggression, but rather looked as confused as she felt. But as she walked over to the crib and her gaze fell on her babies, a small smile stretched her lips.

Nothing would ever risk harming them here, ever again.


The sound of Keira's voice caused Wanda's back to stiffen.

What if her wife had heard anything? Or even seen Geraldine crashing through the walls?

She didn't dare turn around to face the blonde just yet, she still needed to collect herself. And if Keira had seen something, things would get complicated.

"Where is Geraldine?"

Okay, so her wife had not seen or heard anything. Good.

"Oh, she left, honey. She had to rush home." Wanda replied in a would-be-calm voice, although she wasn't sure how well she succeeded. She turned around to send a reassuring smile in Keira's direction, but the sight that met her caused a hand to shoot up to her mouth in horror as she quickly averted her gaze.

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