Chapter 11 - Glass Half-Full Or Half-Empty

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It had taken quite some time for Wanda to collect herself.

But eventually, her sobs subsided and Keira gently wiped the remaining tears away. The sun shone down on them, occasionally accompanied by a soft breeze that ruffled the treetops.

Though Wanda's cheeks were still bright pink and puffy, a small smile stretched her lips. Keira was in front of her, practically pulling her along across the road.

If the mutant was excited for this? It would be an understatement.

Her wife's storm-grey eyes glittered like moonstones in the sunlight and Wanda cherished every moment they did so. One never knew how long they would last.

A little bell jingled happily in greeting when Keira pushed the door open and she theatrically bowed to allow her wife to pass. "Beauty before age, my darling." Just like she had expected, it dragged a small chuckle from her wife's lips.

"Hey, we both know that's not true."

Keira tilted her head and allowed the door to shut behind her. "In my eyes, it is. And besides, if I phrase it the other way around, it would just be a cruel reminder that you're growing... old." She cooed innocently, something that earned her a light slap to the shoulder. "Not my fault you can't handle the truth."

"Watch it." Wanda pursed her lips and shook her head dismissively. Her wife did have a point but she wasn't about to admit that.

"Are you two done yet?"

Both Keira and Wanda spun around to face the reception desk, or rather, the woman behind it.

Well, woman may be the wrong word. An old lady would be a more accurate description. With grey hair tied up in a knot on the back of her head and half-moon spectacles, she reminded Keira of a stereotypical grandma.

"Uh, hi." Keira greeted and awkwardly raised a hand to wave. "We'd wan-"

"Hello, and welcome to the Paw Oasis. What might I do for you today?" The woman behind the desk stated swiftly, almost as if she was forced to repeat this phrase day out and day in. Her sharp eyes scrutinized the couple over the rim of her glasses, and by the looks of her, she wasn't too impressed.

"We'd like to take a look at the animals, if possible, please." Keira managed to recover the smile that had faded off her lips when her sentence was cut short, although it was not as wide anymore since the receptionist didn't replicate it.

"Uh-huh." The woman looked down at her papers again and began to write again, the lead pencil scratching across the lines. "You and every other twelve-year-old in the area. You here to actually adopt or just waste my time?"

Keira just blinked, her jaw slack from surprise. This was not how she had been expecting to be treated but she knew she was in no position to judge. If the shelter received more visitors than adopters, then the receptionist's reaction made sense. "A- adopt I guess...?"

It was their goal at least, even if they couldn't promise it.

Again, they were met by an unimpressed look from the receptionist.

"We're hoping to find a little shadow for my wife here, you see." Keira raised their joined hands and let her lips brush over the back of Wanda's. "I already got my own back at home, so I think it's only fair she gets a chance to find hers."

"Hmm..." The old woman brushed a hand through her silver hair before she pushed her chair back and stood up. Her brown eyes scanned the couple up and down again, in a clearly judgemental way. "Let me guess. Dog? Big one too?"

Keira couldn't help but be amused and tilted her head slightly. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

The woman skeptically raised an eyebrow. "You're just... You got that energy. Dog people always do." Her gaze shifted to the redhead. "You on the other hand, I'd say... cat. Not as naïve of the world as your wife here."

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