kiss four - just straight yapping!

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Oblivious to the previous stalkers outside, our main group sat around the garage chatting.
"So! The mini-concert tomorrow. Anyone nervous?" Pandora says while eating a Hershey's bar. Brim nods with a concerned look on her face.
"Y-Yeah... I'm totally not super nervous or scared or frightened or anything...! I'm so cool and awesome, after all, so I'm totally hyped!"

Ryan rolls his eyes.
"We'll do good, Brim. After all, you got me. So, ALL the chicks will be flying around us." He says with a grin that annoys Pandora.
"Shut up, you womanizer." She says to him annoyed. Brim chuckles.
"Ha! Womanizer. Real." She fist bumps Ryan.

"It's crazy... Not to throw shade, but Brim... You're a man-eater AND a womanizer, yet you're still single." Anna says to Brim. Brim gets upset.
"Stop! It's because... Well... Um... Dating is hard. Y'know? I'm a flawless individual who's smokin'! Mere mortals are too starstruck when they see me! Yeah! Like Medusa! I mean, I know I make people hard... Ya dig?"

"Anyway... Back to the concert. We need to prep for tomorrow. What are we playing?"
Pandora devours the last piece of chocolate and asks the group. Anna relaxes and sinks into the couch with her arms crossed.
"Hmmm... I sure do hope we don't go against anyone preppy. Shit, will Binary be there?! If She is, it's an instant loss." Anna knows they'll be toast if a certain person goes. Brim looks at Anna.
"Binary...? Isn't She one of the most popular girls at school?! So that means if we beat her..."

"You're still with that?" Anna quickly throws herself up. "Dude, we're not going against the popular kids. We'll get our ass' munched! And not in a good way. Just think about the performance tomorrow."
Brim rolls her eyes.
"Nah! Think about it, though. If we beat Binary right away, we'll be legends!!! Yayayoo!"

Ryan crosses his legs and puts one of his arms behind Pandora. Pandora gets annoyed and aggressively moves it.
"Wait. Brim might be onto something. She's kinda right. If you DO beat Binary, then all eyes would be on you, wouldn't you think? But all that fame in a quick manner... Can turn into Greed. Wouldn't you say?"
He says while lighting up another cigarette. Brim smiles and claps her hands together, liking the fact that one of her crushes agrees.

"Yeah, yeah! Ryan gets it! Y'see, if we just- just wait! Tomorrow, it'll be sweet! Friggin' sweet!"

Sphinx plays their Nintendo Wii, They are playing Super Smash bros brawl. They pause and look at Brim and everyone.
"Hmm. Binary is pretty cute. We don't have to harm her, right? I mean. Like. Uh. I don't know. Ignore me." They unpause the game and continue playing. Pandora takes Ryan's cigarette and takes a hit, blowing smoke out from her mouth.
"We'll probably get our asses kicked." She softly laughs and hands the cigarette back to Ryan.
"But... At least we'll be the talk of the town if we're brutally beaten. That's pretty nice."

"I mean, did you see Binary's friends list on MySpace? Like, almost 800. That's more than Seline. Crazy when you think about it, but I guess that's what happens when you're a famous Internet pop singer and... Well, the football team's favorite cheerleader." Pandora, with a sly grin says. Anna snickers.
"Oh, yeah. I bet the football team looooooves her and her, well, you know! Haha!"

"Oh... But have you seen that Akihabara chick, though? She's a babe." Ryan joins the convo. Brim snaps her fingers and points at him.
"The Japanese girl, right? Apparently, She is the leader of a gang! She's hot as hell! But apparently really angry... Hm... I wonder if her punches feel good..." Brim bites her lips while saying that last part. Anna looks down in disappointment.
"Brim. You need to stop crushing on everyone... It's a little sad."

Brim waves her hand.
"Not my fault everyone is hot! I can't help but love them all! Cuties, hotties, anyone! Although I'm single..." She says.

"Do you think just because you're bisexual that makes that any less sad?" Anna gives a look of concern. Brim shrugs off what She said.
"Oh, Anna! My bestie, Anna! Of course it doesn't!"

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