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(y/n's pov)

I was about to join the celebration when Annabeth voice right next to me in the creek, said

"Not bad, you two."

Before I could say anything the campers cheers died instantly. Chiron shouted something in ancient Greek

"Stand ready, My bow!"

Annabeth drew her sword. There on the rock just above us was a black hound, the size of a rhino with lava red eyes, and fangs like daggers it was looking straight at Percy. Nobody moved except Annabeth, who yelled

"Percy, run!"

She tried to step in front of him but the hellbound was too fast. It leaped over her—an enormous shadow with teeth— and just as it hit him,I let out a scream


He stumble backwards, and all I could see was its razor-sharp claws ripping through his armor. There was a cascade of thwacking sounds like 40 pieces of paper being ripped one after the other. From the hounds neck, sprouted a cluster of arrows the monster fell dead at his feet.

I rushed over to percy and got down on my knees to see if he was badly hurt.

"How hurt are you?"

He groaned in pain and pointed towards his chest.

"Oh my gods. Ok, Let's get you to the water."

Chiron trotted up next to us, a bow in his hand, his face grim

"Di inmortales!" Annabeth said after running back toward us. "That's a hellhound of the Fields of Punishment. This happened to us on the beginning of our quest. Someone summoned it, Someone inside the camp. It couldn't be Luke this time."

Clarisse yelled, "It's all Percy's fault! Percy summoned it!"

"Are you really that dense? So he would get attacked? Use your brain." I snapped back at her

Clarissa's face got red and crossed her arms.

We watched the body of the Hellhound, melt into shadow, soaking into the ground until it disappeared.

"Quick Percy, get in the water." I said

Percy stepped back into the creek and the whole camp gathering around him. I could see the cuts on his chest closing up.

"Much better." He says

"Alright that's enough of capture the flag. Go on free time, lunch starts an hour."

Percy was immediately swarmed with campers asking him an unnecessary amount of questions.

"How'd you fight clarisse by yourself?"
"Did you summon the hellhound?"
"Are you single?"
"How do you feel after surviving that thing?"

There was so many of them that Percy couldn't even answer any of them. He obviously gained some popularity and glory after all that. All my siblings were still fan girling over him and I just rolled my eyes.

"Percy, come on."

He couldn't hear me, eventually I got pushed out of the circle and I was left as they all took him towards the volleyball pit.

I was left alone and I ran off somewhat upset that Percy basically ignored my presence.

Free time passed super fast and I was just walking around camp, I ended up bringing my lunch with me to Long Island Sound. I grabbed a few rocks and threw them into the water. I sighed and heard my stomach growling. I head towards a tree and sat under it. I eat an apple and checked my watch.

11:03 am

A couple minutes go by, I sit in silence. It seemed like my whole day had been ruined. I felt so lonely. I slowly got up and my legs were sore. I decided to journal down my thoughts, like I always do. I remembered; my locket. I lift it to eye level and open it. Me and Percy. He hasn't even been gone a full 30 minutes and I started to miss him. I leaned against the tree and smiled softly fidgeting with my locket.

A twig snapped behind me, making me turn immediately. It was Annabeth.

"Sorry, I saw you run off here."

"Why are you here?

"Well I know we got off on the wrong foot, so I want to call truce."

She took out her hand and waited for me to shake it

I started at her hand and back at her. I was hesitant but I shook her hand.


She smiled and nodded

"What are you doing here alone anyway?"

"Percy's apparently busy."

"It will wear off, people are just amazed."

"You're right. It will be fine."

"You guys are together, no?"


"I'm positive, he'd put you in front of anyone. Expect his mom." she laughed

"Yeah, thanks" I said while smiling

"Okay well Archery starts in a bit. Meet you there."

"See you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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