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(y/n's pov)

I sit up quickly after I realized the boat came to a sudden stop and after looking around I spotted an island, I get the strange feeling that something bad was about this island and I could not ignore it.  In fact I started to see red flags all over the place.  The island was pretty eerie and I could see no one in sight.  I felt the rush of adrenaline hit my body and my heart began to pound.

I felt the grip of one of Luke's men pull me up by my arms and started dragging me towards Luke.  I felt my heart begin to race and my blood rushing through my veins.  I didn't like this feeling at all.  This wasn't going to end well.  In fact I was sure that it was going to end very badly.

Luke was looking at me with a sinister gleam in his eyes as he was standing in front of his boat.  I couldn't resist the feeling of fear and terror that was creeping in me. My heart was pounding inside my chest and I felt like I was going to faint.  Whatever Luke was planning for me, it was going to be very painful.

Luke spoke the words that would send a shiver down my spine. 

"Now, I can finally prove to Kronos that i'm not just some demigod. The prophecy can become true, and Kronos will rise."

I knew that this was going to be horrible.  That he was going to try to use me to prove to Kronos that I was somehow special. I felt the tension and intensity that Luke was creating with his words and his aura.
Luke turned his body around and began to speak.

"Kronos had told me about you, how you have the ability to restore what once lived. You can help us destroy Olympus."

Luke's words echoed in my head and I wondered what he meant by his words.  To "restore what once lived".  What once lived? What was it? And how was I going to be able to do this? Was it even possible for me to restore something that once lived.  I felt my whole body start to tremble from the thought of being used in such a way.

Luke kept talking and talking about his plans.  He was getting closer to me, his eyes were wide and intense.  It was as if he were possessed, but he seemed very much in control of everything.  Now I was not just worried about myself, but I was also worried about the fate of the world.  He was trying to restore something that once lived, but that could destroy us all.

I couldn't move a muscle either as Luke's men tightened their grip around my arms.  Every muscle in my body tensed up and I tried to move my hands but I was unable to break out of their tight grasp.  The more I struggled, the tighter Luke's men squeezed their grips around my arms.  It was painful to see how tightly they held my arms.

Luke got even closer to me and was now a feet or two away from me.  The more he got closer the more I felt my heart start to race.  I didn't like this feeling that was creeping inside of me.  In a sudden burst  of energy I tried one last time to break free from the guards grip but they tightened their grip even more and now I was really beginning to panic.

Tears became to stream down my face and I yelled out


"Oh, but I can." Luke said

The tears became more intense and I could barely breathe. I was starting to have a panic attack.

"Do you honestly think that your little tears will change my plan?  It is too late for you y/n." Luke said with more of a sinister tone than before.  He spoke as if I did not mean a single thing to him.  He was just going to use me for his plan and there was literally nothing that I could do about it.

"I thought you cared, but you're just a cold hearted asshole."

Luke chuckled at my insult
"You're so pathetic." He said
"You mean absolutely nothing to me, you're just an object that I can discard after use."

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