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(percy's pov)

I saw an intense light as I awakened and I opened my eyes to see Annabeth.  I was drinking something which tasted like liquid chocolate chip cookies.  The fluid in the cup was nectar and it was helping my body feel much better.  Annabeth was also dabbing a washcloth on my forehead, which was soothing the discomfort.  Then I realized where I was and I looked around at my surroundings.

We were still on our boat, in the middle of the ocean

"Grover had some extra nectar on him."

Grover softly smile but still had a concerned expression on his face.

Annbeth said "How are you feeling?"

"Better, thanks."

"Now, you must tell me, if you can, exactly what happened." Grover said

Between sips of nectar, I told them everything.
It went slient for a while.

"I can't believe that luke.." Annbeth's voice faltered. Her expression turned angry and sad.

"I can." Grover said, "he's been way too off this couple weeks."

I slowly sat up and my head was still slightly dizzy and I had a headache.  My face felt hot but the nectar had made me well enough to sit and move around.  I turned to see Annabeth watching me closely and it was obvious that she was watching my every move. 

Annabeth looked at grover in concern

"Careful." said Annabeth

"You were there," I said changing the subject "You saw everything go down, why didn't you help?"

Annabeth froze for a little before saying something

"I thought you had it under control, so I snuck around the ship to find y/n. I eventually found her hiding under a blanket. She told me she was okay, for the most part but I could tell Luke was doing something awful to her."

I looked at annabeth, processing what she just said.
"So where is she now?" I asked

"Still on the ship with Luke, She said, I was going to rescue her but I heard you cry for help. I rushed over to the sound and saw you on the verge of collapsing."

I paused when I realized that y/n was still on the ship and Luke still had her.  My face contorted into an expression of anger and I stood up as fast as I could. I was about to rush off to try to get her back but I stopped when I noticed Annabeth's look was filled with concern and fear.  I looked over at Annabeth who seemed to be about to go off on her own rescue mission.

"It is not safe for you to go alone" I say with as much concern as she had for me. 
"It's not safe for either of us" she replies, worried and uncertain.
The two of us glance at each other.  It looked like we were both thinking the same things.  We both were worried about one of us getting hurt by Luke.  Then we realized that there wasn't much time and someone needed to save her."

"I'll go" I say.
"No, I should go" she says with a slight shake in her voice.
"I should go" I say firmly.
The two of us go into back and forth before Grover interrupted us.

"Hellooo??!" Im right here."

Grover's sudden outburst brought us back to our senses and we both glance at him.

"Oh right, Grover. I completely forgot you were there" I say as a wave of embarrassment washes over me.  "This must look pretty dumb from my end.  I didn't mean to ignore you. I was simply to caught up in the moment."

Annabeth looks away as she is completely embarrassed and her face turns bright red.  She looks at me and she can't even look me in the eye after our argument.  When I notice her embarrassment I smile and I put my hand on hers in order to comfort her.

Annabeth glances at me and our eyes meet for just a moment and both her and I look away.  My hand is still on her hands which makes her uncomfortable

I take my hand off of her after I notice that my hand was causing her discomfort and her face is still red and her eyes are still not on me.  Then I glance over at Grover to see what his reaction is.  I'm curious if he noticed anything between me and Annabeth when we were arguing but he seems a little lost.  Then after a little while, I give a small smile and I look back at Annabeth.  Her face is still bright red and her eyes are still looking away but I can't help but laugh a little bit.

"What's so funny" she asked

"I'm just amused by your reaction.  Your face is still bright red and it seems like you still can't look at me."

"Stop looking into it, it's not that deep."

"I know, it's just funny that you are still embarrassed by our argument."

"I'm not, I'm embarrassed for completely neglecting Grover."

"You're definitely still embarrassed" I say as I keep a little chuckle coming out of my mouth as her face remains red and she still won't look at me.  It was pretty funny that she forgot about Grover.

"Alright, stop bickering." Grover said

I stop with my little laugh and I turn to face Grover.  My smirk is still on my face when I look at him.

"We're not bickering. I'm just teasing her, she gets so defensive it's hilarious." I say with a playful chuckle

"Whatever is it, we have to focus on the bigger picture. Stop getting distracted." Grover exclaimed

"Right! We have to save y/n before Luke hurts her.  After that we figure out what we're going to do next." I say with an adamant look on my face.  "We can't let Luke hurt y/n anymore than he has already."

Annabeth takes out a map from her backpack and started pointing out coordinates.

I pay close attention to the map that Annabeth took out.  We needed to get to the ship and take it down before anything else happens to y/n.  Just then I notice her pointing to the coordinates and I move my head closer to the map to see them more clearly.

As we studied the map we saw the three locations where Luke could be headed.  We wouldn't know the exact location of y/n but it was all we had. Annabeth had suggested splitting up but that was a risk I wasn't going to take with y/n's life at stake.  It also meant that we had to get there fast before Luke did whatever he wanted with Y/n.  We had to hurry because time was running out.

We looked at our watches and realized that night time was coming real soon.  If we didn't get to Luke soon it would be much harder.  Luke would try to find a hiding spot for y/n to keep her safe during the night or in a safe location, which would mean there was more time for Luke to hurt her, or worse kill her.  We needed to act quickly if we wanted to save her before it was too late.  So we would have to hurry if we wanted to rescue her from meeting Kronos.

𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑳𝑨𝑺𝑺𝑨 | percy jackson Where stories live. Discover now