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(percy's pov)

Me, Annabeth, and Grover heard that Luke's on a yacht called the Andromeda. It's passing by Chesapeake Beach currently, so we don't have much time. We ran towards a dock. I spotted a yacht in the distance.

"That's it. That's the boat Luke and Y/n are on."

"What do we do?" Swim?" Annabeth said

"There's an unsupervised boat right there." Grover pointed out.

I smiled at Grover and we all boarded on a small boat and headed north, towards the yacht. I couldn't help but notice how anxious I was. I tried to stay alert and on my guard while approaching the boat.  It was very strange and I couldn't help but wonder what if y/n and Luke were okay. I have a sinking feeling in my stomach now because I was unsure what is happening on the boat y/n was on.  The boat is headed towards the island where no one had heard nor seen of so I had some reason to be suspicious of the boat.

I followed the boat in front of me as I sailed towards the island. I was hoping that when I reached the boat, I would be able to confront the traitor and stop whatever plan the traitor was trying to accomplish.  I wasn't going to leave this quest without y/n.

I boarded up the boat with Annabeth, while Grover stayed behind to keep the guard. We had both silently agreed to keep a low profile on the vessel and we were both going to take any chance that we had to find to y/n. I knew that I couldn't waste any time.

My low profile was obviously not very low as we were spotted by.. Chris Rodriguez, Ethan Nakamura, and Silena Beauregard..?? They looked over at me. Each of them were taken aback by my looks and they was clearly surprised to see me here. They immediately shouted for Luke.


"Luke? What are you talking about?" I said

They grab us by our collars and took us to the cockpit of the yacht; which was where Luke was. Luke turned his attention from the control panels, to us.

Luke had a menacing look on his face.

"Well, what a surprise."

He was standing next to a coffin. He noticed my eyes were fixated on it.

"It wasn't an easy find. I had to crawl through the depths of Tartarus itself. And then Cleveland. The remains of Kronos... the original titian, father to the Olympians, and with y/n's help, destroyer of Olympus."

I looked at him with anger and I was horrified that he had been the one behind all of this. He was the reason that y/n was in danger and he was the reason that I couldn't find her earlier. I looked at Luke in outrage and I was about to attack him.

I shouted "WHERES Y/N?!"

Luke smirked. He didn't even bother answering me at first but kept his composure and spoke.

"She's safe."

"Not if she's on this boat with you."

Luke gave me a cold and defiant look when I said that. He wasn't going to let me take away his key and ruin the plan. He was determined to make sure that she made it to her destination and he would fight me to keep her on this boat.

"I don't want to fight you, percy."

"Stop with the bullshit"

"Join me, Percy It's what you were meant to do. Let's show both of our fathers."

"It's tempting, but I think i'll pass."

"Enough, Jackson. You're on the losing side."

"Not from where I stand."

Luke gets annoyed by the minute, obviously his convincing abilities wasn't enough. I drew out my sword and pointed it at Luke. I didn't want to hear anymore of Luke's lies and I was prepared to fight him. Y/n had to be an important factor to his plan and I had to make sure she was away from Luke at all costs.

Luke looked at me with a scowling expression, he obviously had no intention of working with me. He just wanted to keep y/n with him until he was ready to deliver her to Kronos.

Luke snapped his fingers. A small fire burned a hole in the ground at my feet. Out crawled something glistening black, about the size of my hand.

A scorpion.

I started to go for my pen.

I wouldn't, Luke cautioned. "Pit scorpions can jump up to fifteen feet. Its stringer can pierce right through your clothes. You'll be dead in sixty seconds."

The scorpion starts crawling closer to me and I kept glancing at it and the back at Luke in case it was a distraction so he could get away.

"Call off the bug, I said. "If you're so strong, fight me yourself."

His facial expressions changed. He was starting to show aggression by my words.

Luke draws his sword and the blades come together with a loud clang! The two of us are face to face and I can feel Luke's anger and determination as our blades are locked together. Luke was going to do everything in his power to make sure that y/n was taken to Kronos and there was little to nothing I could do to stop him. There was no more room for talking and there was both fury in our eyes.

I took a step back and swung my sword forward and me and Luke's blades met once again in a loud clang. Luke quickly blocked my strike and he swung his sword back towards me. It was a quick back and forth that grew more intense by the second.

"Nice try percy."


"Goodbye, Percy. There is a new Golden Age coming. You won't be part of it."

"What are you talking about?"

"If I had time, Percy, I could explain. But I'm afraid you won't live that long."

He gave me one last glance before he ran towards the main deck.

The scorpion lunged at me

I swatted it away with your hands. The thing jumped at me and I cut it in half in midair.

I was about to go congratulate myself until I looked down at my hand. My palm had a huge red welt, oozing and smoking with yellow guck. The thing had gotten me after all.

My ears pounded. My vision went foggy. The water, I thought. It healed me before.

I rushed over the edge of the boat and submerged my hand, but nothing seemed to happen. The poison was too strong. My vision was getting dark, I could barely stand back up.

Sixty seconds, Luke had told me.

I had to get back at camp. If I collapsed in the middle of the ocean. My body would be lunch for a monster.

My legs felt like lead. My forehead was burning.

"Help, I croaked. "Please.."

I made out a figure grabbing and leading me towards the boat Grover was keeping guard of.

Then everything went black.

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