Mission Impossible?

Start from the beginning


The mighty dragon circled around the trio with an intense stare. Claire knew not to fear him, but still stepped behind Douxie slightly, letting him take the lead. Said wizard matched the elders stare, not faltering for a second. Charlie saw how the humans weren't going to back down and he smiled.

"Ha, I knew you two had spark if my little Archibald befriended you." he laughed, his voice echoing through the cavern as smiles placed themselves on the sorcerers' faces.

"Father please." Archie whined as he hovered by Douxie, gaining more laughs from the wizards.

"Archibald, my cuddly shapeshifter. Look how big you've grown." the elder dragon teased as the feline knocked foreheads with his dad as greeting and flew to land on his head.

"Ha, ha. You don't see me talking about all those gray scales." Archie snipped back wearing a slight smile as the aging dragon laughed again.

"Charlemagne: the Devourer. An honor to be in your presence." Douxie gave a slight head bow as Claire followed. They knew to be respectful burning a 'first meeting', even if they had already met him, the dragon had no clue who they were.

"Oh please, call me Charlie. I'm quite surprised Archibald told you of me, not to say I'm upset." Charlie smiled as Archie flew back to his familiar.

"My name is Hisirdoux Casperan, or Douxie, I'm Archie's familiar. And this is Claire Nuñez, a shadowmancer and my apprentice." Douxie introduced themselves, hoping to create a sense of trust even though they both knew Charlie was a kind soul. Both wizards smiled at the title Douxie had chosen to give to Claire.

"Dad, we've got a problem and we need your help." the smaller dragon said, turning the mood back to serious.

"That is, if you're willing to help us, we would greatly appreciate it." Claire mentioned, already growling tense again. Every second they took to prepare the plan, the more time their friends were missing and probably being tortured.

"Any friend of my son's is a friend of mine. Let's hear it then." Charlie prompted, turning to walk further into his dwellings as the trio followed. The dragon could sense the urgency in their request so he didn't want to waste time.

"This might sound extreme, but we've actually met before. Our friend is a time traveler in a way and we have memories of an alternate future." Douxie started, not really seeing a way to beat around the bush and just went for it.

"An alternate future? My, what have you dragged yourself into now, Archibald?" Charlie laughed, hoping to lift the mood a little but also urging them to continue. They made it to the main living space and they took to more comfortable positions.

"Our friend, Jim, is actually a divine king. He used the power of the time stone to go back in time to fix the future." the wizard tried to explain better as the dragon listened with slightly wide eyes. He hadn't heard of anyone earning divinity since the great King Arthur. There had been great and powerful leaders since him but none had gained such magic.

"And things aren't really going as planned. Jim and two of our other friends got taken by a place called Area 49-B, and we need your help to rescue them." Claire spoke up, leading off of Douxie's words.

"Ack- those pricks." Charlie groaned at the mention of the horrid facility. Huffing some fire from his teeth as he spoke.

"Wait, you know about 49-B, father?" Archie asked from his familiar's shoulders. Although, they were glad they didn't have to explain that aspect in more detail.

"They learned the hard way that if you mess with a dragon, you better be ready to take the heat." he huffed as some smoke emitted from the sides of his mouth. "But that was decades ago, but back then, they weren't known as Area 49-B. Nor did they have technological advancements like they do now, I'd assume." The elder dragon mentioned.

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