Beacon Hills

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On the rural outskirts of a small California town called Beacon Hills, police officers and state troopers gather on a dirt road. At their sides, search dogs bark and whine, pulling on their leashes. Seconds later, a dozen streaks of flashlights tear through the shadowy woods.

"So that's where you went!" Sam says after Rose had calmed down enough.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't want dad to find me and give me a mission." Rose said back.

"What mission?" Scott asks.

"I'm sure you'll find out."

After repairing his lacrosse stick, Scott McCall stands showing viewers his sport shorts.

Scott walks to his bathroom and pulls himself up and down on a bar hanging from his door. He jumps down and starts to brush his teeth. When he hears a noise. He looks up at himself in the mirror before the screens shows the viewers that he walks into the hallway with a bat in hand, now fully dressed. He goes into Rose's room knowing she was home. He sees her on the bed with headphones on, sketching in a book. He goes up to her and taps her on the shoulder, scaring her, making her pull Scott over her shoulder and onto the floor before she realised her mistake.

"Proud of you Rosie." Dean says giving her a high five.

Scott looks at them mortified while Rose sticks her tongue out at him. In return he sticks his tongue at her. Stiles saw and slammed his mouth shut making Scott bite his tongue and wince. Rose and Stiles start laughing at his pain and he glares at them.

Rose: OMG, I'm so sorry.

Scott: No. No. It was my fault. I know you don't like being jump scared. But I still wonder how your that strong?

Scott grabbed onto her hand and using it as a leverage to pull himself up.

Scott: I just came in here to see if you made the noise that I heard?

Rose: No. I've just been in my room. Listening to music and sketching.

Her eyes began to travel down to his hand.

Rose: Why are you holding a bat?

Scott: I'm worried it might be a Predator.

Rose looked at him with a black face and smacked him on the back of his head. While Venom uses his hand to smack his face.

Scott: Ow. What was that for?

Scott said rubbing his head.

Rose: For being stupid. It's probably Stiles. You know how idiotic he is.

Venom: I just did it for fun.

Rose laughs at this while Scott looks at her pissed knowing she won't do anything to scold Venom.

"I'm starting to like Venom." Sam says laughing at what he just saw.

The screen changes so that the viewers can see that Rose opens a glass door and walks out onto a porch with her hands in pockets while Scott is behind her with the bat still in hand.

"Why was Rose in front of you?" Lydia asks. "Your the one with the bat."

"She pushed me down the stairs because I was going to slow and got in front of me." Scott says with a pout.

Rose, Derek and Stiles all laugh at this and Scott sticks his middle finger up at him. In return Venom sticks two middle fingers up at him, while they could all hear him laughing.

Suddenly, a figure appears hanging from the roof, and Scott yelps in terror, almost hitting the person in the face with his bat, while Rose watches all of this go down with crooked arms and a smirk on her face. Scott continues screaming until he realizes that it is Stiles Stilinski, his best friend, who is yelping just as loudly. Scott huffs in frustration and annoyance before lowering his bat.

Rose: Stiles, what the hell are you doing?!

Stiles looks just as exasperated as Scott as he eyes the bat in his best friend's hands.

Stiles: Both of you weren't answering your phones! Why do you have a bat?

Scott: I thought you were a predator!

Stiles: A pre... Wha?

Rose: I told you it was stupid.

Venom comes out of Roses back and blows a raspberry at Scott getting spit all over his face before going back. Stiles looks at Scott, clearly appalled by the implication, while also trying not to laugh as Scott cringes and wiped his face clean of spit, before scoffing and changing the subject to why he's there.

Stiles: Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called-- they're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, and even state police.

Scott: For what?

Rose nodding her head towards Scott as if saying she wants to know as well, meanwhile Stiles has difficulty concealing his glee regarding his answer.

Stiles: Two joggers found a body in the woods.

Reaching up to pull himself free of the trellis, Stiles lands on his feet on the other side of the railing from Rose and Scott, who still looks confused.

Scott: What, a dead body?

Stiles reaches up and leans on the railing to look at Scott at eye-level with a sarcastic expression. While Rose looks at Scott with a dumbfound expression.

Stiles: No, a body of water.

Stiles says while he rolls his eyes

Rose: Yes, dumbass, a dead body!

Scott looks unnerved about this news as Rose looks happy about going on a adventure as Stiles climbs over the railing to join them on the porch.

Scott: You mean, like, murdered?

Stiles: Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties.

Rose: Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?

Rose says with a frown on her face and Stiles becomes overwhelmed with glee at the drama of this situation as he finishes the story.

Stiles: That's the best part-- they only found half.

Stiles' tone of voice changes, making it clear that Scott and Rose don't have a say in what happens next; even though Rose wants to go.

Stiles: We're going.

"I know what your going to say, Rose that's stupid you should've researched what happened before you went out, but I'll have you know that it only happened a few hours before we actually went out so there was nothing to research and besides I already had training before that and I had my gun on me as well as Venom so there's no need to lecture me." Rose says as she sees Dean open his mouth to complain.

He shuts his mouth after that and glares at her while she smiles with glee knowing she was right.

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