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Name - Rose Winchester
Family - Dean Winchester (older brother), Sam Winchester (older brother), John Winchester (dad), Mary Winchester (mum)
Age - season 1 of Teen Wolf = 16 years old, season 1 and 2 of Supernatural = 17 years old, season 3 and 4 of Teen Wolf = 17 - 18 years old, watching the movie = 19 years old
Love interest - Derek Hale
About Rose - sarcastic, once you get to know her she becomes very protective and caring towards the person, doesn't like physical touch, very broken mentally but only Derek, Sam and Dean know, doesn't really show emotion, she is very skilled with knifes, guns and hand-to-hand combat, she doesn't like her dad, because of all the mental abuse he put her through, (she only went to find him to help Dean and Sam because she knows what they're like when it's just them two), she loves to sketch, she has trouble sleeping at night because of nightmares the only people who can help her are Derek and her brothers, when she was 14 years old she went on a solo mission (her dad's orders) and thats when she met Venom, she loves Venom but he annoys her quite a lot.

Mary Winchester was killed when she was 6 months old and Sam was 5 years old. Venom has been apart of Rose since she was 14 years old. She hasn't told her brothers about him because she was scared of what they were going to do, however the whole pack knows. Sam leaves when she was 15 years old and she leaves a couple of months later to Beacon Hills. She is living with Scott and Melissa. Rose keeps contact with Dean and Sam even though her dad doesn't know because he blames her for the death of Mary. Sam and Dean don't know what goes on in Beacon Hills until they watch her life, that also means they don't know about Derek and her. Derek and Rose get together in season one, their old friends.

After killing Peter (season 1 of Teen Wolf), Rose has to go of with her brothers to try and find her father. Before coming back and helping the pack with the Alphas. What happens after the Winchester and the pack are all brought to a room to try and keep Rose from going to hell by watching her life. What if Rose also had a friend that not everyone knows about? What if that friend was apart of her?

*I don't know Teen Wolf or Supernatural sadly, they belong to the producers of the programme, I only own Rose and her plot.*

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