Start of Roses journey

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Rose, Dean, Sam and John all look at the screen upset knowing that this is the night that they became hunters, then night their mother and wife died.

Derek senses that Rose is upset and holds her hand, bringing it up to his face and kisses it. Dean and Sam glare at him while he does but he ignores them as he then wraps an arm around Rose.

Crickets chirp. A large deciduous tree with no leaves stands outside one of several suburban homes. A Woman, Mary Winchester, wearing a white nightgown, carries a small child, her son Sam, and her other son who is following behind, Dean, into a dark room.

The young Winchesters eyes tear up seeing their mum on the screen. Rose snuggles into Derek more and holds onto Deans hand. Dean squeezes it, trying to give her some form of comfort.

Mary: Come on, let's say good night to your sister.

Mary turns on the lights: it's the nursery of a baby, Rose, who is lying in her crib and looking over at Mary, Dean and Sam.

"You look so cute and innocent. I wonder what happened?" Stiles says.

"I met you, that's what happened." Rose says back at him, while holding up a middle finger at him.

Stiles sinks into his seat as Scott giggles at his misery.

Mary sets Sam down. Dean leans over the side of the crib and kisses Rose on the forehead.

Dean: 'Night, Rose.

Mary leans over Rose as well.

Mary: Good night, love.

Mary brushes Rose's very thin hair back and kisses her forehead.

Rose smiled up at the screen, knowing that her mum loved her. Dean sees this and has a small smile on his face that hardly anyone can see.

Man: Hey, Dean, Sam.

The boys turn. The Man in the doorway wearing a USMC T-shirt is John. The boys rush over to him.

Dean + Sam: Daddy!

John: Hey, boys!

John scoops Sam up and hugs Dean close to him.

John: So what do you think? You think Rose's ready to toss around a football yet?

Dean and Sam shake their heads, laughing.

Dean: No, Daddy.

John laughs.

John: No.

Mary passes John, Sam and Dean on the way out of the room.

Mary: You got him?

John: I got him.

John hugs Dean closer to him and holds Sam tighter as he rests his head on Johns shoulder.

John: Sweet dreams, Rose.

John carries Sam out of the room, flipping off the lights. Rose watches them go, gurgling, then tries to reach her toes.

"You look so cute as a baby. You look just like your mum, no wonder you turned out this pretty." Derek whispers to Rose and she smiles up at him.

Dean and Sam hear this and turn to each other, thinking that they could give Derek a break with all the glaring because so far Derek has proven that he protects her and loves her, though Dean is still a bit unsure.

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