"Ah.. here's my beautiful daughter.." my dad turns to meet my with a smile on his face.. "I've been wanting to introduce you to her.."

As my dad takes a couple of steps to the side, I'm now getting to see the man fully, and hot damn.. is he good looking, with a side smirk, he shifts his eyes up and down, scanning me.. and shit, I'm totally unable to read him, he has this unique and mysterious look about him.. and I'm somewhat curious as to what he is thinking, and why he's looking at me like that.. I'm not even sure who this guy is, or why he was in my home.. but I'm not complaining.. at all.

"Hey.." I say as I walk over, holding out my hand for him..

"Sweetie, this is Robert Downey Jr.." My dad introduces.

Robert takes my hand to shake, and I can't help but notice his tight, strong grip when our hands touch.. "Nice to meet you Robert.."

"Pleasure is all mine..uh.."

"Sophia.." I say, finishing it sentence for him.

"Sophia.." he smiles as he repeats my name.. "..it's taken us far too long to meet.."

"That it has.. but that's on me.." Dad is quick to agree, as I look down to where Robert lets his hand linger for a moment before we part.. "Shall we take this into the office then Robert?"

"Certainly! I'm keen to get things going as quickly as possible.."

I stand watching as both men start walking towards my dad's new home office, I can't help but notice Robert's suit jacket, and the way it just covers his ass as he walks.. I find myself smiling as I save the image mentally.. I know deep down it is so wrong to thirst over my dad's friends but.. hey.. how can I resist when he looks like that? Especially when, just before they disappear out of sight for good, Robert gives a quick glance over his shoulder back to at me, with another slight smirk to his lips as he catches my eyes.. again.. the mystery of this man was strong.  

"So who is that guy?" I ask my mom, curious as I wonder just who my dad knows out here, and why I didn't know of him before..

"He's going to be spending a lot more time around here.. he's going to be working with your dad a lot.."

"Oh.. so he's one of dad's workers.. I get it.. well.. he seems.. nice.."

"That he does.. come and help me with dinner?"

"Sure.." I give little shrug before following my mom into the kitchen.. if there's anything my mom has taught good, is how to cook, this seems to be our little thing, whilst dad goes off and does his own business.

"Sweetie, I know you never wanted to move here, but it means so much to your dad, this is where he started his business, and well.. all he's ever wanted was for us to be a family here.. where it means most to him.."

"I know.. I just.. I'll miss my friends and.. everyone back home.. but I could never live so far apart from you guys.. I would hate that just as much.."

"You'll learn to love it here, the beaches, the people.. I'm sure if you ask, Robert would show you around.. he's lived here for many years.."

"Maybe.." I blush a little at the thought which doesn't get noticed by my mom thankfully.. "Don't tell him, but I do love this house.. I've always dreamed of a place like this.."

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