chapter 9 - Taught Well

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Elian chuckled as he averted his gaze.

"Yes, but that was not fear because girls come swarming to my feet to stroke my skin and admire my lovely eyes." He spoke boastfully, and Eliot narrowed his eyes.

Emery remained silent as he watched his elder brothers argue.

"Then why haven't you dated?" Eliot asked.

"Not interested in women."

"You mean you are not'sexually' interested in women ."

"Hell fucking no."

"Elian, bring a girl home and I'll believe you."

"Don't care about your perspective."

" But what about mom? People will gossip about how she raised all three of her sons to be gay.

"Fuck you." Elian said with a raised voice as he stood up. He was upset not because he was being accused of being gay, but because according to the society, his mother will get criticized and his mother is the only woman who he Cares about.

"Fine, I am in, just for Mom's sake."

"I'm in too." Eliot said, glaring at Elian.

Gazing at his two brothers, Emery grinned.

Ariane sat on the couch as she watched a movie with a blanket over her.
She watched the movie and snacked on some chips.

She then heard the door open but did not go to check.

"Oh my, Ari, why are you home so early? Jenny said as she entered the living room.

Ariane raised her gaze to Jenny, who was looking around the living room, noticing the various snack and food packs.

"I was fired, Jenny." Jenny turned sharply to face Ariane.

"What?! How? The handsome boss fired you?"

"His girlfriend pulled a prank. Rather, she lied that I tried to take her life."

"But I know you will not do such a thing, Hun... But still, your boss believed her? I knew something was off with your boss. He is being controlled by a woman..." Jenny sighed, attempting to control her emotions.
She felt like going to Ariane's boss and yelling some sense into him.

"He didn't believe me, well, who am I? His girlfriend is his top priority. Ariane said.

Jenny let out another sigh and moved to sit down while Ariane kept eating her chips.

"You seem to be enjoying your evening though." Jenny said as she looked  around at the snacks.

She grabbed a packet of chips and opened it.

"I used the company credit card." Jenny choked on her chips after Ariane said that.

"What? You stole it?"

"They gave it to me but did not ask for it, so after I got fired, I bought these and threw away the card."

Jenny chuckled when she heard those words.

"You are a crazy girl, I really taught you well." Jenny said.

"Right?" Ariane said in a jokingly with a smile which made jenny give a small laugh.

They sat quietly for a few moments before Jenny came up with an idea.

"You know, today's Friday." She turned to Ariane, wiggling her brows which made Ariane's brows crease.


"Dont you get? Let's go have some fun tonight. Just me, you, in some club getting drunk. I don't have to go to work tomorrow since it's Saturday. Let's just enjoy our evening together like we use to."

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