Chapter 5 - The Collision

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Ariane sat quietly on the couch in the living room, her mind replaying what had just happened.

She had just gotten the job but...Her new boss seemed so familiar.

She then received a call from Jenny.

"Hey, babes." She heard Jenny's excited voice.

"Any good news?" Jenny added.

"Yh, I got the job." Ariane said to hear Jenny squeak.

"I'm sorry, I was just so happy. I can not even scream since I'm at the office. So you get to be the secretary?" She asked.

"Y-yes, but...something feels strange." Ariane said, squinting her eyes as she thought deeply.

"Strange?" Jenny furrowed her brows and asked.

"Mn...oh, Rio Anderson...yes, I once saw the name on the list of shareholders at my father's company. And he is my new boss..." Ariane said, recalling seeing the name before while still working at her father's company.

"Really? Your new boss had a share at your company?"

"Mn, I'll just work with him first...maybe I might find a clue or something, besides, my parents need this money." Ariane said thoughtfully.

"Right? I am so happy; I will try to get back early so we can celebrate." Jenny exclaimed excitedly, "I am so happy for my friend."

Ariane chuckled as she heard those words.

"Okay, Till you get back then. Bye."

"Bye." With that, the call ended.

~ Two months later ~

Ariane heaved a sigh of relief as she stood at the entrance of the parking lot. She had just returned from running errands for her new boss, and was carrying a lot of shopping bags.

She tried and moved her hand forward to check the time on her watch.

'Aish, just have only 20 minutes.' she said inwardly as she saw the time.

Apparently, her boss would require the items for some sort of presentation; she had no idea why he would require so many items.

His girlfriend even made her get some drinks and other items.

Ariane clutched the bags as tightly as she could as she walked towards her car.

She reached her red car and sighed.
She was extremely fortunate to still have her car, as it enabled her to arrive so quickly.

She then tried opening her handbag to retrieve the keys, but she could not find them.

"Where did I put it?" She groaned and decided to drop some of the shopping bags on the roof of the car close to hers.

"Did I lose it again? I thought I kept it in here. No no, I can't be late." She continued to murmur to herself, feeling a little anxious, and then she noticed the familiar, calming aroma—lavender, to be exact.

She stopped in her tracks as it immediately calmed down her nerves.

She recalled smelling the same scent on the roof of the music concert that night.

She slowly released her grip on her bag and heard the sound of keys hitting the floor as her bag dropped.

She was snapped out of her reverie instantly, and she bent to pick up the keys when she looked down and saw them.

The sound of a car starting up caused her to furrow her brow.

She smelled someone even though she did not see them enter.

She grabbed her keys and got up to watch the vehicle her shopping bags were left in drive.

"W-what? N-no, stop!" She yelled and tried to stop the car but the driver didn't stop.

She hastily gathered her belongings, got into her car, and drove off, trailing the other vehicle.

As Ariane accelerated behind the car in front, she continued to honk at it. The driver seemed to be in a hurry as they drove quickly.

"I will be there shortly," The person in the car Infront said, he seemed to be on a call.

"What?" The driver let out a voice and pulled to the side of the road.

Ariane, who was tailing behind his didn't expect it. She quickly stepped on her brakes, attempting to stop her car while turning her wheels to the side, but it was too late.

She had a minor collision with the car in front.

When Ariane crashed into the car in front of her, her head was near the wheels and her eyes were closed. she slowly opened her eyes, while so close to the wheels to see that it wasn't so bad but...

She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car.

When she saw the damage she had caused, Ariane gasped in dismay.

She was speechless; the front of her car was wrecked, but fortunately, the other car was not as badly damaged as hers.

She didn't know what to say or how to react when she saw the door of the car open.

She then saw someone in black suit walk out of the car.

As her eyes fell upon his face, a mixture of awe and intrigue washed over her. His sharp cheekbones, chiseled jawline, and piercing dark grey eyes held her captive. The intensity of his gaze seemed to penetrate her very soul, leaving her breathless. There was a certain ruggedness to his stubbled chin that contrasted with the refined features of his face. Despite his unsmiling expression, there was an undeniable magnetism that drew her in, igniting a curiosity that burned within her.

Ariane stared at the attractive person in front of her, stunned and unable to say anything.

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