chapter 1 - Accusations

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The sound of an incoming call could be heard as the young lady drove quietly in her red Ferrari.

She clicked a button on the car's dashboard, and the call was connected.

"Hello, Miss Ariane?"She heard a voice on the other end of the phone with her eyes fixated on the road.

"Mn, I'm on my way, Mr. David." She replied as she sensed the person called David about to speak.

With a sigh, the person replied.

"Okay, Miss Ariane." With that, she ended the call.

Then, as she drove on, she smirked at a thought.

~ Minutes laters ~

As Ariane emerged from her car, which she had parked in the business's lot, a small smile spread across her face.

Her eyes were like pools of liquid sapphire, sparkle with a hint of mischief, drawing you into their depths. The curve of her nose, delicate and refined, adds a touch of grace to her visage. And her lips, soft and supple, hold the promise of both secrets and sweet kisses. But it is her smile that truly steals the show, emanating warmth and joy like a sunbeam breaking through the clouds.
her face is a masterpiece of elegance and allure.

She pulled out her phone and dialed someone.

Even though she was only wearing a basic jumpsuit that accentuated her curves, she looked extremely attractive as she walked on those heels.

"I've been trying to reach my Dad but I'm unable to talk with him, is he at the office now? I'd like to meet him. I just got back from the business trip, you see." As she made her way to the company, she said.

She was almost to the door when she noticed some people dressed in dark uniforms, clearly the cops.

She paused, raising her eyebrows and gazing at them with a lot of questions in her eyes.

She was startled out of her reverie by what the other person on the line said.

"Well, it is been about three days since Mr. Maverick last visited the office." The man said.
Without further ado, she hung up.

With haste, Ariane entered the business, trailed the officers, and followed them to the elevator exit where she made her way to her father's office.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw them show a card, most likely an identification card, to the secretary before entering and searching her father's office.

"W-what? No." She spoke up and attempted to stop them, but a cop stationed at the entrance refused to let her pass.

"No, why are you looking through his office? Stop!" She spoke loudly, but they ignored her words.

Then the secretary approached her and started talking.

"Miss Ariane, they are saying something about Mr. Maverick committing a crime." Hearing those words surprised Ariane, so she pulled back.

"What? A crime? It is a misconception because Mr. Maverick would not act in such a way. Hey, stop! You are messing up the office! Wait!" She persisted in her yelling until the policeman interrupted her.

"Please allow us to do our job, Ma'am. If you do not cooperate, we may have to take you to the police station, where you will likely be charged with collaboration and interruption of our duty." She heard them say.

Ariane was speechless at their words, what is happening?

'D-Dad, where is he?' she wondered, bolting from the company.

She went outside and got into a cab, which took her home.

A bit puzzled as she walked through the familiar garden, she then noticed some police cars parked not too far.

She entered her home with a lot of thoughts racing through her mind.

The air was a bit tensed as two cops stood at the entrance of her mansion.

They did not stop her from going in, but when she finally made it to the living room, she saw her parents waiting for something or someone in the middle of the room with a few police officers surrounding them.

"D-dad?" She said this while gazing at her father, who turned to face her with a somewhat tense expression.

She noticed his shocked expression as he slowly shook his head in style.

"Ariane" her mother muttered.

"Mr. Maverick Niles, you are under arrest for involvement in fraudulent activities, Embezzlement, and Tax evasion. Everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. you have every right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you." The police said as they put the hand cuff on him.

"No, please stop; it is impossible.Do you even have proof." Ariane said as she tried stopping them while her mother was in deep shock.

"Please ma'am, let us do our job, we have every evidence required. If you obstruct once more, we will assume you are an accomplice and you'll be taken as a suspect." The cop said to her.

No" her father said to the cops.

"S-she isn't aware of this." He added as he couldn't turn to look at her.

"Now this is suspicious, who are you?"

"A niece. " Her mother interrupted and walked to Ariane.

"What?" Ariane spoke up, but her father immediately clutched his chest.

"Dad.." she muttered as she saw him falling down.

"Mr. Maverick." The cops called out to him, but he had passed out.

Her mother ran to him, crying as she tried to wake him up.

"Dad." Upon seeing her father on the floor, Ariane muttered once more in shock.

She felt her world shattered at the sight.

"Dad!" She yelled and ran towards him, but was apprehended by the cops.

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