Chapter 6 - The Contract

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Ariane kept staring at the handsome man in front of her, not mentioning his physical stature.

He looked from her to the top of his car, where some shopping bags were, and then to the back of his car, which was undamaged in contrast to hers.

As Ariane realized this, she managed to compose herself again.

"Um, I-I am sorry, I did not mean to hit your car." She spoke while he did not even look at her.

He just pulled out his phone and pressed a few buttons.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion; what was he doing, and to whom is he phoning?

"An accident caused by a careless woman; I require forces," he said to his earbud before ending the call.

Ariane's eyes widened in shock.
'Is he calling the cops on me?' she wondered in shock.

She would not have expected him to call the cops on her; why does not he just tell her to pay? Even though it would be difficult, she would make every effort to pay up.

"W-what? I said I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention-"

"I recall saying the word 'accident'," he stated curtly.

Just then, she heard sirens and the police arrived.

She was suddenly swept away by fear.

'will I be going to prison? I have never been in prison before; how will I help my family? she didn't know what to say.

"Sir, the defaulter?" The officer asked to see the man with the dark grey eyes, and he nodded.

"Miss, please escurt us to the police station." The officer said to Ariane.

"B-but it was an accident, i-i-"

"We are only doing our job; he has filed a complaint against you." She was rendered speechless by the police officer's statement.

"Handcuff her." He gave the order, and a female police officer handcuffed her.

Meanwhile, the man with the dark grey eyes was about to leave in another car that had been brought to him, but he was stopped by the police officer again.

"Mr. Everton, you will also be needed at the station for a written statement."

"I will send someone to deliver my statement." The man started to speak but stopped when he saw Ariane stealthily walking with the police and getting into the squad car.

In the meantime, the policeman was hesitant to elaborate.

"On a second thought, I'd come along." The man then entered his other car, making the police office feel strange.

As they approached the station, Ariane became increasingly nervous.

She felt the hairs on her skin rise up.
They arrived at the station within a few minutes, and he lodged his complaint.

She did not argue or say anything except when asked or when she stated her opinion.

After all, she was taken to cell.

He was about to leave when the chief officer called him in for a private conversation.

"Mr. Everton, it appears that something is wrong with this."

"What?" With a raised eyebrow, the man enquired.

"She only moved to this city two months ago, and from what I can tell, she appears innocent and has no criminal history. In addition, the bail is substantial. The chief officer said.

"One should not judge a book by its cover." The man said shortly to hear the chief officer say.

"She's also quite young, I some how believe that she shouldn't be punished."

~ ~ ~

Somewhere in the city, in a large building, a group of elderly men were sitting and talking together.

"The good old days." An old man with wrinkled face said with a laugh.

"Sometimes, wishing I could jump back into the old cracking days, but I wouldn't get to see my sweet great grandchildren. that's my dismay." Another old man laughed, their voices cracked due to their age.

He then received a call via his iPad.

"Ooh, they are calling," the old man said with a grin, while the other old men continued to smile, with the exception of one who was rather sad.

"Hello, great grandpa." The cute little voiced was heard.

"Hello, my sweet little potatoes, how are you both doing? Where is your mummy and daddy?"

"We are fine, great grandpa; daddy is not home yet, and mummy is downstairs." The old man and his great grandchildren kept conversing.

"What's wrong Reagan? Your grandsons still not ready to marry?" An old man whispered to the other old man, Reagan who felt so sad.

He sighed and slowly shook his head.


"Ahh, it is really great-grandchild is really fun to be with, and I know you would love yours need to do something, Reagan." Jay said in a cracked tone, causing Reagan to sigh again.

~ ~ ~

Ariane remained silent in the cells, her eyes clouded with thoughts, until she heard a voice pull her out of her deep thoughts.

"Here." She raised her gaze up to see the man who put her in a cell. Giving her a piece of paper.

She looked so confused as she slowly took it.

"What is this?" She inquired as she looked into it.

"Sign it and you will be free."

"These are conditions..." She muttered as she read what was written.

"A contract; you are party A, and I am party B. Because you do not have enough money to pay for the damages, which include wasting my time and canceling a business meeting worth millions of dollars.

"I-i said that I'm sorry, you can't make such a condition that says I'll be submissive when needed by you."

"It does not involve sex." He said plainly

Ariane kept staring at him with a worried look.
How did she end up in such a situation?

Destined heart: Love in the shadowsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin