Chapter 7 Opening The Unknown's Gifts

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Based on what Kreed remembered from, his history teacher years ago, it was said that the highest anyone had ever managed to reach, was hero.

As described by the legend of the 13 heroes of the great war.

Kreed couldn't remember the legend completely, but it is said that over 100 years ago, the continent of Pangea was evaded by a herd of monsters and beasts. The continent was on the verge of collapse.

However 13 animatic characters emerged from the chaos, welding the power of the gods. They fought with their lives on the line. Alongside their cohorts and companions.

Many, perished and many met a fate worse than death.

However the 13 heroes prevailed. Their leader, the great hero known as Arcanum, died sacrificing himself to destroy the Descended Behemoth known as Abyssal Jailer.

After the great battle the remaining heros,
Returned to a wonderful parade in their favor.

Although they were the strongest beings ever that ever lived on the planet. They died with out, ascending to godhood.

Of course this is all a legend so Kreed was in no rush to believe anything.

But along with the legend came a lot of information on how beings ascend or became stronger.

Firstly there are two main ways a creature can grow. The first is the path of ascension the other is the path to corruption. In both these paths there are seven known steps.

For corruption the ranks are as follows from the lowest step to the highest:

Emanated- also called released.
Stagnant- also called Archaic or Advanced.
Stulified- also called corrupted.
Vanquished- also called Devil
Timid- also called irresolute.

For ascension, the path also follows a similar route although the names used seem to be the complete opposite to that of corruption.

Conquered-also called heros.
Valiant- also called courageous.

These ranks are meant to be equal in status.
Although every being has a different power they, should exhibit a balanced nature. The main defector to this scale is class.

Just like a being can increase in rank, class is also the same. However class doesn't affect the beings power or authority, instead it affects their body, their soul and their mind.

For reference, a Birthed mundane and a birthed scaleless although they exhibit the same amount of power and authority, the scaleless will still be stronger because it's class is higher.

Added to this is the fact that with every increase in rank and class the gap between them grows indefinitely.

Kreed pondered for a bit.

After a while he slowly pushed himself of of his bed.

With heavy footsteps, Kreed headed to a short well polished desk in the right corner of the room. The desk sat motionlessly it's shadow changing with the flickering light.

Sitting on the wooden chair that accompanied the desk, Kreed opened it's top draw pulling out a rusty brass key.

'Hmm, all the information I've received is practically irrelevant. I have no intention of learning more about these gods and demons.
However I am pretty excited to see what new toys I've received.

Trying to recall the feeling of absolute focus, Kreed thought about summoning the relic. Soon the incandescent fruit appeared in his hand once more.

As it became whole the presence of the room shifted, it was almost unnoticeable, but already dim light, seemed to grow dimmer in it's presence.

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