Chapter 13 Danger?

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Kreed stood at the bow of the grape, staring intensely at the rising sun.

He had been traveling in one direction for an entire hour, yet he couldn't see the end of the horizon.

Or any form of land. Infact Kreed began to grow tired of the constant outstretch of water.

The grape had been slown down drastically yet, the surrounding water flew by faster than Kreed could notice.

The sea of fog and mist had disappeared completely fading into the endless stretch of water, that spanned around him.

Slowing down the Grape even further Kreed place a large wooden stick better the controls and throttle. Ensuring that it wouldn't move even in the slightest.

He couldn't afford to go of course at all, so he ensured that the throttle was steady and unmoving.

Leaving the bow, he moved to the back of the grape and opened one of the 3 boxes he had brought.

Grabbing a package of erations, he sat down.

"This is gonna taste special."

He was excited to try erations for the first time while being off the island.

Opening the package, Kreed grinned as he smelt the dry and husky odor that it gave of.

"Shit" Kreed blurted out as he came to a sudden realization.

What would he use to boil water on the grape? No where would he get water? Definitely not from the large ocean that encompassed him.

'I did bring water of course, but then what was the point? That water was still contaminated with the curse of Dallas. There won't be much of a change in flavor would there.'

Kreed was totally shaken, how could he be so stupid? Perhaps his mind had been to preoccupied with thoughts of the future, for him to focus.

Trying to rescue the situation, he reached into the packet of erations and grabbed the dry husky contents that laid inside.

'here goes nothing.'

Bring the contents to his mouth Kreed hesitantly took a bite.

After a while his mouth began to fill with the familiar flavor of the erations. Albeit To a much lesser degree. The contents dissolved in his mouth as they began to mix with his saliva.

'not bad, I should have tried it this way before. It's a bit dry doh.'



Instinctively Kreed flew to his feet dropping the packet of erations.

'what was that? That sound.' It sounded like the wail of some disgusting abominations.

Kreed's eyes peered at the surface of water surrounding the grape.

He scouted it looking for anything that could become a danger.

After a few seconds flew by, Kreed forced his body to move.

Running to the bow he removed the wooden stick keeping the throttle steady.

Engaging it, he wobbled as the grape increased in speed.

He had not seen any abomination or form of life within the water.

But Kreed knew to well just how dangerous an unseen force could be.

He had experienced 'asterion's' crushing blow after all.

However he wouldn't have to wait much longer to see the creature, to whom the harrowing wail from before belonged to.

Looking back Kreed's eyes were drawn to the spot in the water where the grape had been only moments before.

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