Chapter 11 Growth

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"Wow, just like that? Haha, she really is a beauty."

Kreed layed motionlessly on the slippery wooden floor of the Pier. His gaze was fixed on the small vessel that had taken most of his attention as of late.

The vessel which he decided to call Grape now looked almost spotless. Well as spotless as it could get. The outside surface had regained a bit of it's clean white finish. The inside was drained and clean to the point of usability.

Kreed had repaired the engine, even replacing the two motors that had rotted away. Now he was completely finished.

And just like that an entire month had gone by.
Well it wasn't to bad. In that one month Kreed had accomplished more than he would have expected. Well of course he couldn't tell when a day would start and end but based on his sleep schedule he could guess as much.

Before Kreed had no idea of how long he had been on the island. So to have his status confirm that he had indeed spent 15 years on the island was a great feeling.

Now Kreed was one step closer to escaping this retched place.

Although in the past month Kreed hadn't only worked on Grape. No he also managed to deepen his understanding of the three relics he had gained.

Firstly there was the chain of territory. Before he thought that he could simply teleport from anywhere back to his territory. But no to his dismay it turn out that distance was one of the main factors influencing his teleportation.

The further away he was the longer it would take for him to teleport. However this aspect still needed testing as the island was to close a distance for any noticable difference in time.

Halfway through the month he also came to a startling conclusion one that he still had not figured out as of yet.

Based on what he knew, he could return to the island whenever he wanted with the ability of visitor. However if he was to escape then returning would be useless, since he would have to fix an entire new vessel to escape once again.

He could leave it as a last resort, or means of escape. Since he would be on an island that no one could enter without consequences, or return after gaining sufficient knowledge. But that would mean being unable to use his territory and the attributes that came with it. He also wouldn't be able to call upon any being and reap the benefits of the rules that he had established.

On the other hand he could leave with his relic and once on mainland find a safe spot to designate as his territory. But that would mean abandoning the island.

Of course he could return but he would have to travel all the way back by boat.

Well it's no like he had anything to come back to.

There was a third option that Kreed had figured out after a bit of experimenting. It turns out that if he dismissed the relic both chains would automatically return to him.

Using this method he could leave the first chain on the island until he had secured a safe and suitable living place. Then summon it and reap the benefits of the territory.

Kreed was leaning more towards the last option as he wanted to ensure that he would safely escape the treacherous waters surrounding the island before leaving any hope that he would have an escape route behind.

However he still hadn't choose any options as of yet.

But there was other things he had learned within that month. For his first ever gained relic, there was not much. Except for the sudden realization of what a divine rank relic could really do.

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