Chapter 12 Embarkment

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Laying in the rumpled sheets of a wooden bed was a pale boy with messy black hair. His skin which was once covered in bruises and blisters was now whole and unrendered. He looked almost comical, his room was clouded with a dark unnerving fog of shadows. Yet he laid unbothered. His face, calm, and free of stress.

This once broken child, was now only stained with marks of dust and debris that he had collected over the previous days.

He hadn't taken an adequate bath in a while, why? Because he was waiting for this very moment.

He was waiting for his chance to escape.

Soon Kreed could be heard yawning throughout his entire room.

He had finally awakened.

"Good morning, the big day's finally here" Kreed announced with a bright smile plastered across his face.

"I wonder how long I've been out. "

Kreed felt refreshed and elated. His mind was rested and calm, his spirit joyful and at peace.
His sore muscles had recovered and healed.

Now he was completely ready and excited about the new day.

Of course he was as hungry as ever but today he found the pain of starvation a bit more bearable.

Sitting up on his bed, Kreed announced while stretching.

"I have a long day ahead of me, there's no time to waste then."

After a while an ebony coloured chain manifested itself in his hand.

Not wasting a second he activated its ability.
Then the dark room around him became quiet once more.

Not a second later Kreed was standing in the small research room surrounded by empty tables and boxes. In front of him on a wooden stool sat the other ebony coloured chain.

Kreed had removed all the trinkets from the tables around him, packing them into bags and boxes. There were also a couple boxes filled with erations.

He had been preparing for this very moment for an entire month after all. Now all that was left to do was embark on his journey to freedom.

Well he also had to move his items to the Grape as well. So following his intuition he got moving right away.

Grabbing ahold of two bags he placed them on his shoulders and picked up two more.


After taking two steps towards the exit he scowled. He may have been birthed and possess incredible relics now. But he was still as weak as any normal human.

No he was way worse, he didn't have the food to give him energy, plus his muscles although they were healed, were totally spent after constantly working them for a month.

'Damn it, one last struggle I suppose.'

Kreed tensed his muscles and made his way through the exit, soon he was walking on the path leading down to the Pier. From where he stood he could see the Grape clearly.

It swayed magnificently in the calm dark waters that surrounded it.

It had changed completely, before it looked battered just like the other vessels but now it stood out nicely.

The surrounding ships couldn't compare to the Grape even slightly, as many of them had become targets for the sphere of boundless.

Looking proudly at his work, Kreed began walking towards it once more.

After reaching the grape, he placed the 4 bags that he was carrying into it and summoned the chain of territory once more.

Without wasting a second he teleported back to the room in which he had packed all of his stuff.

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