chapter 6 Knowledge

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The sound of a door could be heard throughout the building.

Kreed entered a dark room, and turned on the light. The bulb above him flickered for a few seconds before it's dim light captured the entire room.

For a second Kreed stood still at the entrance of his room. He hadn't been here in over a week, he had hoped dearly that the runes would be the thing that does him in but, now he had no idea of what to do next.

Moving from the door. Kreed sat on a large bed covered in a black musky sheet. The bed was located in the left corner of the room.

As Kreed sat there motionlessly, the feeling of comfort grasped his heart. Kreed collapsed on the bed looking at the dimly lit ceiling. His mind was full, although the pain that plagued his mind before was now gone. Kreed was still struggling to digest everything he had learned.

Coming up with a simple method to understand everything Kreed started to recall everything he had learned.

Firstly there was the runes. The runes he had spent an entire year trying to decipher.
From what he gathered, the runes were a sort of benchmark made by, an unknown entity called, Caelan.

Caelan, was a being, or creature that lived over 4000 years ago, according to the date making the runes.

Caelan seemed to know a lot about the beings know as gods and demons.

The runes he wrote described the, creation of the planet Sihe-Rimaz, the very planted Kreed was currently living on.

It said that Over a millennium had passed since the great pact between the gods had been formed.

It was an alliance the gods created to win the war of dominance against the demons and titans, And as a result over 100,000 gods came together to overthrow the demons.

To solidify their alliance they created "Sihe-Rimaz" a completely new planet on which each god placed an equal amount of their eternal life force.
Making this planet an entirely balanced and harmonious system of coordination.

Of course Kreed had no way of knowing if what he read was true or not.

But based on his prior experience, Kreed had no trouble believing in gods and demons.

Kreed also added the package of knowledge he had received from the mysterious creature to the mix since some aspects between the runes and info was similar.

For instance, the runes described how Sihe-Rimaz was created, by the gods placing a great power know as eternal life force together to birth the new planet.

Similarly the creature's knowledge described how the gods received such a power.

It said that their eternal lifeforce, was their most precious possession. It can only be gained through recognition and respect. Once a being transcends into the realm of the gods, they obtain lifeforce, which can increase or decrease based on their status and feats in the hierarchy of gods.

Once a god's life force surpasses a certain threshold they gain a rank that limits the amount of authority that god can exhibit.

The order is as follow, bajo-end, medio-end, high-end, inordinate-end, and noble-end.

In these ranks, there are gods of all kinds, historical grades, members of renowned families like Olympia, elemental grade, and even gods of concept and faithful Ascension.

Linking that back to the runes, the 100,000 gods made Sihe-Rimaz as the ultimate pact and contract between the gods, as each God placed their life force they essentially sealed their fate and entire existence in the world of Sihe-Rimaz.

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